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Ink — A WordPress Blogging theme to tell Stories

Ink is a WordPress theme with a minimalist design that lets your narrative take centre stage, so your content can shine. Uncluttered, straight-forward theme options, are inside the default WordPress live customizer, ensuring an experience with a native look and feel, and a great blog right out of the box.

Intuitive Customizer options that actually make sense

Gone is the added complexity of a ‘new Options Panel’ that provide endless customization options. With Ink, we have taken the design decisions needed for a stunning website right out of the box.

A selected number of options live in the already powerful WordPress Live Theme Customizer where you can customize the appearance of your site and preview the changes on the fly. Totally focussed on user experience without any of the extra bloat or clutter.

Compatible with Restrict Content Pro Plugin

Turn your Ink-based blog into a premium content website and ask for paid (or free) memberships from your users for access to restricted content. Restrict Content pro is a separate plugin that requires an additional purchase, but if look for a membership plugin, look no further.

You can find more information about Restrict Content Pro here. Restrict Content Pro is a paid plugin and requires a separate purchase

You can create as many widgetized pages you wish, and create custom layouts using 4 custom section widgets. Through an intuitive drag-and drop UX with a native feel, you will be able to tailor the layout to your needs by filling widget settings and re-ordering the widgets with the Section prefix. These custom widgets are listed below.

  • Static content: This widget will output the content of any static page, into your page’s layout.
  • Recent Posts: Displays a block with a background image and a selected number of recent posts over it.
  • Recent Posts (Grid): This widget will also output a selected number of posts but in a grid style.
  • Contributors widget: A handy widget that will display your contributing blog authors if you have any.

Background settings for your post covers

Always ensure the optimal contrast between the featured image and the post title, using the Background Settings panel and experimenting with opacity and background color, on a per page and post basis.

Nine blog layout options

You can choose between 9 Layouts for your default homepage and/or your Blog page. Using the Live customizer you can see the changes on the fly. If your homepage is set to display your latest posts, you can combine the diversity of the layouts with a custom header showing an image or video, and get engaging, content-rich results.

Theme Highlights

  • Supports custom video and image headers (check the alternative demo)
  • Responsive Design from Head to Footer
  • Crisp and clear, minimalistic design approach, with refined typography
  • Full-width images in post content
  • Widgetized homepage that let’s you re-arrange the homepage using custom widgets
  • Optimized for Retina / HiDPI displays
  • Child Theme Ready
  • Change fonts on the move with Google Web Fonts
  • Change accent color with a simple color picker
  • Full Localisation Support ( .po/.mo files included )
  • StagTools Compatible (free) – Adds shortcodes and custom widgets to your theme. For more info check the plugin page.
  • Compatible with Stag Custom Sidebars
  • Dedicated support desk to keep you covered
  • Extensive documentation
  • Sass source files and Compass config included.
  • Frequent theme updates to ensure optimal compatibility with industry technologies.

Change Log

The latest updates and bug fixes for this theme can be seen inside the theme files in a file called “changelog.txt” or you can also view the online changelog.

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