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Techforce – A Professional Service Providing Freelance Marketplace

Documentation by “Goodayz2019” v1.0

Created: 04 May, 2021

By: Goodayz2019

Email: [email protected]

Thank you for purchasing our application. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email us. Thanks so much!

For Help & Support please contact us on our email: [email protected]

About Techforce

Techforce is a best service providing freelancing marketplace built upon the latest technology stack Laravel and VueJS. Techforce is fully responsive with the latest HTML5, SCSS and Bootstrap version which can easily be used on Mobile, Tablet, iPads, Laptops and PCs. Techforce comes with very exciting and rich features and excellent quality controlled code. Techforce is a complete solution and business model for service provider freelance marketplace. Techforce provides solutions to various stakeholders in the form of Customer, Service Provider Professionals, Reviewers and Admin. Techforce provisions Customers the best way to find, hire, and pay best service providing professionals near to him/her. Techforce also provides ability to the customers to request any type of service in the form of a job, check the bidding status and job details of the job, real-time notifications & chat with service providers and update their profile details. Techforce enables Service Provider Professionals to explore jobs, manage bids jobs, maintain their featured profile on search engine pages and service pages and create and manage campaigns. Reviewer Panel for reviewing newly onboarded service providers professionals and a robust admins panel for managing the entire Techforce marketplace platform. Techforce is a medium for big business opportunities.

Application Preview

  • Installation Requirements

In order to use and run the website you need to have knowledge of Laravel and VueJs. You also need to be able to install Laravel and Vuejs dependencies on your machine. We recommend you to refer to the Laravel official installation guide to get started https://laravel.com/docs/5.6 and Vuejs https://vuejs.org/v2/guide. The website is built on Laravel v5.6. and VueJS v2.x.

For Video Installation Guide follow the Tutorial link Installation Tutorial.

In order to use and run the website you need to have knowledge of Laravel and VueJs. You also need to be able to install Laravel and Vuejs dependencies on your machine. We recommend you to refer to the Laravel official installation guide to get started https://laravel.com/docs/5.6 and Vuejs https://vuejs.org/v2/guide. The website is built on Laravel v5.6. and VueJS v2.x.

Quick Installation

  • Packages Requried For Installation

    1. Composer (if not install composer using the link https://getcomposer.org)
    2. PHP v.7.4 or above
    3. Node.js/NPM (if not Download nodejs from https://nodejs.org/en/ according to you system requirements.)

In order to install the project successfully, execute the following steps

Step 1

Extract the .zip file you have downloaded from theme forest in the domain folder of your server,
the folder is mostly you public_html folder

Step 2

Create your database with some name, through PHP Admin or through Cpanel directly.

Step 3

In the root of your project folder there will be a file named .env start editing this file and add you database credentials i.e just change the DB_DATABASE,DB_USERNAME,DB_PASSWORD

also change the APP_URL with the url of your site

Now save your changes in the file

Step 4

Now Goto the terminal or command line,and cd in the project folder.(Note if you are using Cpanel you can find your terminal under Advanced section)

Now cd in you project root directory and run the following commands

Command 1

php artisan config:cache

php artisan cache:clear

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Note if you get passport:install error then and then only run command 2 , otherwise skip command 2 and proceed

Command 2 (Optional)

php artisan passport:install --force

php artisan config:cache

php artisan cache:clear

Additional Trouble Shooting Commands(Try running these commands if you ran into some unknown issues )

Some times you are required to install vendor and node_modules packages again so run the following commands

composer install

npm install

And then repeat the command 1 in the same order

End of Guide Thank you for your time

Application Features

  • 4 in 1 Web Application: Single web application with role based handling of Customer, Service Provider, Reviewer and Admin.

  • Predefined Data binding & Backend Integration Ready: All the screens are properly structured and data are bonded with dummy values.

  • Proper handling of Empty Pages, Screen Loader and Pagination: All the Screen contains proper handling code of no data message, screen loader for calling backend apis and pagination (infinite loader) with easy customisation.

  • Alerts: Added ability to display alerts, success , errors, loadings , and more.

  • Animations : Beautiful Animations are added on each screen and items.

  • Responsive Device: Techforce is responsive to support different screen sizes for Mobile, Tablet, iPads, laptops and PCs.

  • Single Sign On: Login/Signup with Facebook

  • Chat: Real time chat integration

  • Notification: Real time notifications

  • OneSignal: Onesignal integration for real time data communication

  • Stripe Payment Integration: Payment integration for service provider, customer and admin.

Main Features

  • Reviewer Panel

  • Admin Panel

Admins have full control and access to the entire Techforce Marketplace. They have various options in order to run and manage the entire marketplace business successfully. Below are the listed various management options:

  • Management

    • Admin Dashboard
    • Service & Sub Services Management
    • Customer Management
    • Service Provider Management
    • Service Provider Review
    • Job Management
    • Payment Activities
    • General Settings
    • Admins Managements
    • Help & Support
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