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Server Online / Website Monitoring

Solution for Live Server Performance Monitoring

This Tool check if a server is alive and display latencies on a Webpage that you can quickly check. If the server is not working it will send eMail Alerts !

Customers: If you are happy with this, please tell others with a 5 stars rating, if you need help, tell us!


Take a look at the CHANGELOG at the end of this page to see the hand picked new features


    Demo Admin Account

  • Username: monitor
  • Password: demo


This PHP-Script check if a domain, ip or webpage is working well using Websockets. It provides a script that will start a Web server on a configurable port of the host computer that will handle HTTP requests using Websockets (tcp). The Script can also check if the page return a special string. The Startpage with some jQuery JavaScript AJAX code provided with this package will send HTTP requests to the server to retrieve the latency time and display it to the user. There is an alarm function (by eMail) and every user have his own domain list to check. The main list can also be checked by a cron job (start the script with ?autopilot=true in the URL to check).

Domain/IP & Website Monitoring

Monitor all Domains/IPs & Links to find out if it is down or loading slow.

Service Monitoring

Easily monitor the status of any port e.g. FTP, sFTP, SMTP, HTTP, mySQL etc.

Alerting & Notifications

If an alert is triggered an eMail will be created and you will get notified instantly.

Cronjob Support

Use a cronjob that will check e.g. every hour and email the results to your mailbox.

Info Page

Use public page to display your network status without the need for authentications.

Multiple Users and Lists

Multiple user accounts and Domain/IP Lists are supported (Cronjob Support only for Main-List).

Multi Language Support

System can be easily translated to any language.

Customizable & Responsive

Simple CSS color scheme and layout to make easy changes and 100% responsive.

Quick and Easy Installation

No Database needed.


  • Modern: Responsive
  • Comes in some handy PHP files
  • Manual file is included in Download
  • … and many more! Just try our Demo to view all Features
  • and view full Release Notes at the End of this Page




  • Unzip the Download
  • Copy all files to your htdocs or your sub-folder
  • Put write rights to the data directory
  • That’s it… You are ready to start!!


PHP 5.4.7 or > and that is all you need!



This script does not make any use of special functions, so it will work in nearly every server environment. In case of any problems with specific hostings let me know immediately!


If you run into problems please give me not a bad rate, please take a look at the documentation of the script. If you need more help, be free to contact me via the support tab. I will do everything so that my product deserves a 5 star rating! All updates are included. Remember that the script will be updated regularly.

Thank you very much.
Best Regards, adilbo



Do you want to customize my script as you want? Just purchase the Extended License and shoot me a message from my profile page to let me know how you’re using it. Thanks!


Please take a look at my other scripts on codecanyon.net


Version 1.5 (2023)
    IMP Update PHPMailer Lib
    ADD user_agent and small improvement on error
    ADD Work also with other Data Name than 'monitor' if Run in Cron-Job Mode
    ADD UTF8 Encoding of eMail Subject
Version 1.3 (2022)
    ADD -  Some Error Messages
Version 1.2 (2021)
    ADD -  Now Domain Name is also shown in eMail-Subject
    ADD -  New French Translation File
Version 1.1 (2020)
    IMP -  Some small code Improvements
Version 1.0 (2019)
    NEW -  Release of this Script on CodeCanyon


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