JustJobs – Remote Job Listings SaaS platform is a fully-featured PHP platform that allows you to start your own subscription-based job listing website in no time.
The experience is powered by a mobile-first, clean, and easy-to-use design, with Dark and light themes, RTL, localization capabilities, and more. It allows your users to post job listings based on monthly subscriptions, and free or trial plans.
Give it a try
Demo URL: justjobs.qdev.tech
Admin URL: justjobs.qdev.tech/admin
Documentation: justjobs.qdev.tech/docs
Changelog: changelogs.qdev.tech
Credentials are pre-filled – Admin features partially disabled
Main Features
• Advanced job posting & listing
- Stepped form
- Drafting feature (never lose your progress)
- Job details fields (location, type, category, skills, salary, application link, description)
- Company details fields (HQ, logo, URL, email, description)
- AI-based post description suggestions (for job & company descriptions)
- Job listing preview during posting
- Paid (recurring), free and trial plans
- Job share link module
- Company details page
- Search page
- Browse page
• Multiple storage drivers supported
- Locally hosted files
- AWS S3 stored files (CDN & Presigned URLs support)
- Wasabi stored files
- DigitalOcean spaces stored files
- Minio storage
- PushrCDN storage
• Multiple emailing drivers (Mailgun/SMTP)
• Ability to enforce creator’s identity verification
• Printable invoices for each transaction
• User settings
- Profile settings (username, name, bio, birthdate, location, website)
- Account (Reset password)
- Payments settings (View transactions data and invoices)
- Privacy settings
- Verify identiy settings
• Fluent, mobile-first design (PWA App included)
• Light & Dark Themes
• Easy to rebrand via custom themes generator
• RTL/LTR & Translatable ready
• Advanced admin panel (Over 100 different settings)
• Strong SEO practices (Sitemap, schema.org, Social media meta)
• GDPR, Cookies policy banner, Adult content consent dialog
• Unique, hand-drawn vector illustrations
• Social logins (Facebook, Twitter & Google)
• Email-based 2FA logins
• Email deliverability check on register
• reCAPTCHA integration for public forms
• Blog system
• And so much more..
Techs behind it
- Backend powered by Laravel
- Frontend powered by Bootstrap & jQuery
- Aditional 3rd party backend and frontend drivers
View the full list of requirements over this documentation section.
Note* Trimmed to latest 3 updates, full changelog available at this link
[1/22/2025] v2.0.0
* Added o1 and o1-mini AI models, though not yet available to all open-ai accounts * Added `webp` images support for user & company avatars * Fixed an issue related to captchas, not appearing in the register dialog box * Fixed an admin panel issue, causing a bug with theme generation for the RTL version * Fixed an issue where the admin AWS region wasn't used for pre-signed URLs. * Fixed an issue when there were no available jobs and the "Disable featured categories on homepage" option was ON * Fixed an issue where envs missing `nd_pdo_mysql`, a redirect loop would have been caused on the admin panel * Improved backward compatibility when updating from older versions to the latest ones
[1/10/2025] v1.9.0
* Added new `Disable featured categories on homepage` - can be used to have the homepage list all the latest jobs together * Added phone number support to "Apply Now" links on the job page & job preview widgets * Fixed an issue related to the site having default RTL mode * Fixed a small access issue related to semi-protected admin routes * Completely re-worked the product documentation - New documentation template, better UI, and more easy to follow - Documentation search feature - Improvements to old sections and additions of new sections * Other small bugfixes
[12/4/2024] v1.8.0
* Added multi-driver captcha provider solution (Now supporting ReCaptcha, HCaptcha, and Turnstile) * Fixed an issue causing the sitemap to have incorrect URL values on certain environments * Fixed the `ctrl+s` shortcut on the `Admin > Settings` area, which wasn't triggering the submission anymore * Fixed some issues where attachments uploaded via the ID-verify section weren't properly deleted on the user side * Fixed some issues with the wasabi storage driver, which could happen on certain hosting environments * Combined the `Social login` & `Social media` tabs under a single Social setting tab, under `Admin > Settings` * Refactored the `Admin > Settings` JS code, fixing lag issues when clicking between settings sub-categories * Other small fixes and improvements * Documentation-related updates
[31/20/2024] v1.7.1
* Fixed an issue related to stripe webhooks requests, happening on certain hosting environments
[10/20/2024] v1.7.0
* Added a new admin panel warning dialog to inform owners when the update procedure is incomplete * Made GPT4-o the default AI model; greatly improved the AI suggestion templates for company and job descriptions * Fixed multiple design inconsistencies on the admin dashboard page * Fixed the ordering of settings in Admin > Settings > Media section * Fixed an issue where certain admin image assets would appear as broken in the settings module * Fixed a bug where the navbar, footer, and global banners weren't blurred by the site-entry consent dialog * Fixed an issue where jobs posted under the "Pay Later" feature would receive an error after creation * Fixed a small UI issue where the "Job Skills" field wasn't displayed as required on the job creation page * Disabled Add & Edit features in "Admin > Money > Invoices" as invoices are meant to be immutable
[9/14/2024] v1.6.0
* Added an announcement banner system with multiple features (Sticky, Global, Expiration, Size, and Dismissible options) * Added a toggle for generating invoices and made admin fields optional in `Admin > Settings > Payments > Invoices` * Added a warning on the admin dashboard page if PHP's pdo_mysql extension is not using the mandatory mysqlnd driver * Fixed an issue on the search page where the listings' descriptions weren't being included in the term-based search * Fixed an issue where jobs running on updated plans would show duplicates on the search page * Fixed an issue where the password reset page wouldn't contain the proper window title * Fixed a NowPayments bug where the payment would fail if non-Latin characters were used * Fixed a NowPayments bug where the payment completion call could fail in rare environments * Fixed an issue where the invoice page would get blurred if the site-entry consent dialog wasn't accepted * Updated a couple of frontend libraries that had potential security risks * Major internal underlying development lifecycle & release tools improvements - Increased code quality checks and the number of automated tests - Fixed all PHP & JS code inconsistencies and style issues, improving code readability and maintainability - Reduced bundle size—up to 15% smaller archive and extracted script size * Removed all unused iOS PWA splash screens, alongside other unused media * Documentation-related updates * Other small fixes and improvements
[8/1/2024] v1.5.0
* Added ability to automatically share newly posted and approved jobs onto Slack channels, for plans featuring Slack share * Added option of changing OpenAI model to either GPT 3.5/4.0/4.0-o from admin panel * Added an "Apply for the position" button at the bottom of the job description on the job listing page * Added a company preview link over Admin > Companies table * Fixed an issue where the language selector would show languages in the current locale instead of their original ones * Fixed an issue related to the site title when a link is shared onto a social network * Fixed a bug related to visiting the checkout page without having a package selected previously * Fixed a missing redirect when accessing login/register pages while already being logged in * Fixed an issue where the pay later button wouldn't display the login dialog when not being logged in * Fixed an issue with the admin settings image field types display, causing 500 on the settings page on certain rare environments * Homepage and listings improvements & tweaks, changed featured jobs highlighted color, and more * Translation strings tweaks and improvements * Database related optimizations * Documentation-related updates * Other small bugfixes, and improvements
[6/21/2024] v1.4.0
* Added an integrated blog system, which can be used for additional content and SEO * Fixed a Wasabi storage issue related to using different regions * Fixed an issue related to deleting users from the admin panel when using local storage * Fixed global issues with missing filtering fields in the admin panel * Fixed schema org definitions for the job posting page * Fixed a client-side issue related to the PWA app serviceworker.js file, throwing console errors * Improved the Admin > Users > ID Checks table and fields * Improved the Admin > Users > Reports table and fields * Improved the Money > Transactions table and fields * Other small fixes and improvements * Documentation updates
[4/19/2024] v1.3.0
* Added hyperlink field to Admin > Featured clients area and homepage section * Added CTRL+S save event onto internal job edit/company create & edit forms * Added support for non-latin characters slugs for job & company titles * Fixed a few pushrCDN storage driver-related leftover issues * Fixed a bug when the update page wouldn't get the update button disabled if DB is up to date * Fixed an admin panel issue issue when running on S3 storage + Presigned urls, breaking user save action * Fixed translation support for job categories and type on the search page * Fixed a bug related to the yearly offer label calculation * Fixed an issue where the user's assets weren't properly deleted when removing a user from the admin panel * Improved the displayed and editable fields of jobs in the admin panel, added job link action button * Improved the Admin > Invoices area, added transaction ID to the table * Improved the Admin > Public pages area, added a page link action button * Improved the Admin > Plans area & Admin > Money > Subscriptions area * Improved the Admin > Attachments area * Performed an overall grammar and typos fixes overall default translation strings * Multiple improvements over the installer module * Multiple other small bug-fixes and UI improvements & tweaks
[3/16/2024] v1.2.0
* Added option for setting absolute value taxes, alongside the existing percentage-based ones * Added reCaptcha verification on the contact form, when enabled * Fixed the Wasabi storage provider implementation * Fixed a set of issues related to pushrCDN storage provider implementation * Fixed an issue related to the themes server fallback download link * Fixed a few localization issues when using the "Use browser locale if available" option * Fixed the missing validation on the company email field during listing creation * Improved the actual available language names when the `intl` PHP extension is available * Fixed a bug where social login buttons wouldn't work on the profile page login dialog * Fixed an issue where the reCaptcha field was not present on the register dialog box * Removed the Admin > Colors > License field in favor of the regular license code one * Multiple documentation-related improvements
[2/1/2024] v1.1.0
* Added the rest of the company's listings on the job page, at the end of the page * Fixed a UI bug when submitting a new listing under a free plan, labels indicating paid transactions were shown * Fixed an issue related to form submissions on reverse proxy/load balancer based envs * Fixed PWA's missing Splashscreens for iPhone 12/13/14/15 * Fixed an issue related to form submissions on reverse proxy/load balancer-based environments * Updated the deprecated AI model used by suggestions * Improved the SEO for the login-register pages * Made the auth system redirect on the "My Jobs" page after logging in * Multiple improvements over the admin-based create/edit user flows * Multiple translation strings-related fixes and tweaks * Other minor bug fixes and improvements
You can view the full changelog at this link.
Got questions?
Do not hesitate to forward us any questions or issues via an item comment or by sending us a DM using the contact form on our profile page.