Was designed for web-hosting companies but can be adapted to any industry.
Built with User-cake framework, bootstrap, font awesome. jquerry, table-sorter.
You can
– Create as many users as you want
– Filter for custom text, customer name, customer phone, website, month of expiration, expiry date
– Disable user, then re-enable
– Create as many custom fields you want, then use them into email templates as [tags]
– Create as many email templates you want with the frequency you need (30 days before expiration, 7 days before expiration, and so on)
– Export all the users with all the details into excel. Edit them on your computer.
– Import all the users that you edit them on your computer.
– Responsive layout.
Just see the demo on: http://elitecm.elite-effect.ro/
username: [email protected]
password: 123456789
If there are issues please contact us ([email protected]) to reset this demo so you can fully see it in action. Sometimes, some users just change the password
MUST have:
– PHP version 5.4 or higher.
– MySQL server version 4.1.3, with PDO database connections enabled.
How to?
1. Install
After you downloaded the item, upload it to your server, then extract the zip file.
Considering you already have created a database and a user added to that database with a password you can proceed to:
* After the 3rd step, the install will self delete.
Access your site at: http://your-site.com/
Username and passwords are the ones you inserted on installation
Well..Click on Custom fields, and create as many as you want.
Well.. Create email templates with the desired frequency.
There is only 1 day left before your account will be suspended.
We announce you, that on [period_expiry_date] will expire the web-hosting account for the website: [website]
The price is the same as last year: [price] and it will be until [next_year_expiry_date]
If you created custom fields, you have to export the excel first.
Then add your users as the excel-template already is, with first row as example: ID 1.
When you’re done with step 5, just import the users.
Go to your cPanel at the Cron-Job and add a new cron.
Set whatever you want, but we recommend the Once Per Day cron – that runs every 12 hours, at 00:00 AM.
The Command should be:
0 0 * * * wget http://your-site.com/send_cron_email.php >/dev/null 2>&1
Just replace your-site.com with..your-site.com
That’s it.
2 minutes installation, then your users will never forget to pay you since you send them regular reminders.
Version 2.1 – Release 12 Oct 2017
Removed an obsolete folder.
For support how to update please contact us via http://elite-effect.ro/contact/
!!! Important – do not re-install, and BACKUP before update !!!