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Stripe Green Downloads – Standalone Script

Stripe Green Downloads is a powerful widget that allows to sell files and accept major credit cards (through Stripe). Workflow is handled by smart CSS3 button: customer click the button, submit credit card details and download the file instantly. Pretty simple workflow.

Each payment button can be easily embedded into any 3rd party web page – all you need is just copy-paste couple JS/HTML-snippets. Moreover, you can add functionality of the plugin to any existing link, button, menu item (any -element).

This is a package of Halfdata Admin Panel and Stripe Green Downloads plugin. It allows you to use plugin with any website.


Front-End Demo

Visit demo page and try the power and simplicity of the plugin.

Back-End Demo

Try the power of admin panel by yourself.
Admin panel: https://halfdata.com/green-downloads/…
Login: demo
Password: demo

How to install this package?

We created Wizard which helps to install script properly.

  1. Unpack downloaded archive and upload files to your server.
  2. Open it in your browser – Wizard will be launched automatically.
  3. Wizard ask for couple questions. Nothing special – MySQL parameters and admin credentials to access Halfdata Admin Panel.
  4. Once finished, go to Dashboard and click “Stripe Green Downloads” box under “Installed Plugins” section. It activates the plugin.
  5. Once activated, plugin adds relevant item to Left Side Menu.
  6. Find “How To Use” sub menu. It explains how to embed plugin into your website – nothing difficult, just paste couple JS/HTML-snippets.


Updating the script is a manual procedure. It’s pretty simple. Don’t worry.

  1. Download latest version of the script from CodeCanyon.
  2. Overwrite existing files on your server, except file /inc/config.php and folder /content/data/.

You won’t lose files and settings. They are stored in MySQL database.

What are server requirements?

Your server must match the following requirements. All modern servers already do it.

  • PHP version 5.5 or higher.
  • MySQL version 5.0 or higher.


If you have problems regarding using the plugin, please contact us and we’ll help you ASAP.


Please visit Changelog and check out what we added/fixed in latest version of Stripe Green Downloads.

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