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Acon – Architecture and Construction Website CMS


Acon is a responsive architecture, building and construction-related Website Content Management System (CMS). This CMS is built completely with PHP and MySQL. It has a nice and attractive front end and back end interface that is really awesome and eye-catching. The back end has a lot of nice and maintainable features that are needed for a modern and professional website to handle the contents easily by the client. Almost all kinds of changes are possible to do using the admin panel without having any kind of programming language knowledge.

This CMS is built using the Codeigniter PHP Framework. For this reason, it can be customized easily by other developers and they can understand the code flow easily. This CMS is strong against SQL injection, XSS & CSRF attack. Also in all pages, admin level security is implemented.


This CMS System has the following features:

  1. Easy and simple interface to use
  2. Fully responsive for any kind of device
  3. Powerful admin backend like WordPress
  4. Clean coding with proper commenting
  5. Secured coding against SQL injection
  6. Direct access or invalid URL press stopped for each pages
  7. Statistics of important data in dashboard
  8. Photo gallery management
  9. Unlimited news category and post creation and management
  10. Unlimited team member creation and management
  11. Unlimited service creation and management
  12. Unlimited portfolio creation and management
  13. Unlimited testimonial creation and management
  14. Unlimited partner or sponsor creation and management
  15. Unlimited FAQ creation and management
  16. Facebook comment section for each post
  17. SEO meta data setup for each post, page and category
  18. Unlimited file uploading system
  19. Customizable in own language
  20. All major social media URL setup for top bar and sidebar
  21. Theme color changing option
  22. SMTP Email option
  23. Tawl Live Chat option
  24. Preloader On/Off system


Front End: https://demo.phpscriptpoint.com/acon
Back End: https://demo.phpscriptpoint.com/acon/admin/login

Admin Panel Login

Username: [email protected]
Password: 1234

Note: Data will not saved in demo version.


Version: 1.9

- Made it compatible with php 8.2
- Fixed a minor bug in email sending using SMTP.
- Added the menu item show/hide option

Version: 1.8

- Made the script compatible for php 8+
- Fixed the script running issue for php 8+

Version: 1.7

- Fixed the menu for mobile version
- FAQ Section data showing bug removed
- Mobile view bug for Why Choose Us section (home page) is fixed
- Organized most of the controller codes

Version: 1.6

- Base_URL set up not needed anymore (changed config file).
- Changed all the table collation as Unicode (UTF-8).
- Added Preloader On/Off status option.
- Added Tawk Live Chat option.
- SMTP Option added in email setting.

Version: 1.5

1. Fixed the about page photo in front end.
2. Fixed the about page photo in back end.
3. Added new field in 'tbl_page' table into the database and its name is 'about_photo'

Version: 1.4

1. Added vision and mission fields in the database table.
2. Updated file: view_about.php (location: application > views > view_about.php)
3. Updated file: Page.php (location: application > controllers > admin > Page.php)
4. Updated file: view_page.php (location: application > views > admin >  view_page.php) 

Version: 1.3

1. Changed some minor bugs in controller name.

Version: 1.2

1. Updated the .htaccess file. 
2. Updated the main config.php file.

Version: 1.1

Fixed: Portfolio and News single page button URL is fixed.

Version: 1.0

Initial Release.
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