Appskull (GEN 2) is a lightweight, highly secure PHP application built using the popular CodeIgniter4 framework (latest version), along with the Postgresql database. This application enables users to easily start creating their dream web applications without the hassle of developing essential features like user authentication, user management, roles and permissions, system settings, and user preferences from scratch.
Crafted with great care and attention to detail, Appskull boasts a clean, organized, and well-commented codebase. Its HMVC (Hierarchical Model–View–Controller) architecture and modular design make it highly scalable and easy to maintain.
The front-end is designed with the latest version of Bootstrap (v5.x), without relying on any third-party themes or templates. As a result, the application is lightweight, unopinionated, and simple to customize to meet your specific needs.
Current version: 10
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To whom is this software for?
- This software is for PHP web developers who want a web development starter kit to speed up their web application development process.
- It is also for individuals who want to register and manage a large number of users (Can even handle millions of users without a breeze.).
Why you should buy from us?
We know that this is a bit of boasting, but we are not new when it comes to developing this kind of software. We have more than 15+ years of experience in the web design and development field.
Our history of building PHP-based web development starter kits
Most importantly, these kits were not just made for selling on marketplaces. These software were mainly built for our own internal needs and launched hundreds of custom solutions for local and foreign clients using these solutions as a foundation. We thought, why not make them available to others so that other people can also benefit from them.
- Userpanel – 2014
- Blueshield – 2016
- Appskull (GEN 1) – 2019
Why you should use this software?
- You can save an insane amount of time and effort by using this software as your web development project foundation. It comes with great architecture, tools, and pre-built features, so you don’t have to build these from the ground up. Instead, you can focus on building your business logic on top of this software.
- This software is built by people who know how to build these kinds of software. We have already built a few web development starter kits before, as mentioned above, so you can expect really good quality software.
- This software is a very serious project for us. We made this software mainly for our own internal needs, not just to sell. So, we have put lots of effort, thought, and attention to detail when building this software. You will experience it when using this software.
- Even though there are many of these kinds of software on the market, none of them has good detailed documentation. Most of them are just made for sale and will not be maintained for a longer period of time. But ours is different. It has very friendly and detailed documentation and will be maintained for a very long time because we also use this software to build solutions for our clients.
- Additionally, you will receive very fast, detailed, and friendly support from us.
And there are many more reasons to buy this software. You can find those details below in this document.
Main features of this software
- Module based file architecture.
- Clearly defined design architecture (The whole app divided into few ‘ends’, for example, Userend, Myend, Adminend and etc.).
- Secure user sign-in/login.
- Secure user registration/signup.
- Remember me feature on user sign-in/login (Multiple devices supported).
- User password reset.
- Password visibility toggleable.
- User email verification.
- Login/sign-in with email address or username.
- Maintenance mode like in Laravel.
- Third-party email/SMTP senders support (i.e., SendGrid).
- CRUDs with server-side sorting, advanced filtering, searching, and pagination.
- SEO-friendly, clean, and meaningful URLs.
- 100% Mobile-ready/responsive.
- Modern flexbox-based custom layout design with maximum compatibility, usability, and accessibility.
- User management.
- User overview/dashboard view.
- User categories (multiple categories per user).
- User attributes (multiple attributes per user).
- User attribute terms (multiple attribute terms per user).
- User roles (multiple roles per user).
- Advanced user permissions system.
- Module-based system settings.
- User settings.
- User preferences.
- Easy configuration options.
- Easily brandable.
- Full localization support (Any amount of language files supported. So you can organize all your language strings into many files other than put all of them in a single file. That will make maintainability of those language strings super easy.).
- Full Unicode support.
- Full Unicode emoji support.
- Fixed/Floating table headers.
- Client-side and server-side form validation.
- Advanced exception handling.
- Custom libraries (JS, PHP).
- Clean, minimalistic, pixel-perfect, and lightweight design.
- Fully object-oriented and modular HMVC architecture.
- High security.
- There is no tracking, license verification, encrypted, compiled, or backdoor codes in this application. It’s 100% clean.
- There are no footprints. Because of that, no one can tell/identify your app is based on Appskull. For example, AngularJS has ng-, VueJS has v-. So, anyone can easily tell this app is based on this or that.
Other reasons to use this software
- Built on the CodeIgniter4 PHP framework (latest), so the code base is very lean, fast, and scalable.
- Based on a module-based HMVC (Hierarchical model–view–controller) architecture, making the code base organized, modular, and easy to scale and maintain without any hassle.
- Front-end built with the latest and stable version of Bootstrap 5.x.
- Using Postgresql as the database (more modern than MySQLi).
- Less opinionated/custom user interface designs, making customization very easy.
- Can be branded very easily; you can replace logos and set app frame color within a few seconds.
- Not bloated, super fast, and requires very low server resources.
- Very scalable and highly maintainable.
- Separated admin-end, user-end, and my-end routes.
- Clean, minimalistic, and pixel-perfect design.
- More server-side operations, less JavaScript, ensuring reliability. For example, you can search, filter, and sort millions of database records without any problems.
- Well-tested with no known bugs/issues.
- Already used this app to build many projects.
- Designed and developed from the ground up; no themes/templates or previously written codes were used.
- Everything is well-organized, including routes, files, assets, etc.
- Very clean, well-formatted, and commented code base.
- Files, classes, methods, variables, etc., are carefully named with meaningful names and standards.
- Very developer-friendly.
- Mod rewrite/.HTACCESS support is optional, so don’t worry if your web hosting company does not provide support for .HTACCESS.
- Nginx server support; this software is well-tested and fully supported for Nginx server, with all the required configuration details available in the documentation.
- Highly detailed online & offline documentation.
- Fast and friendly customer support.
- Continuous future software updates with instructions and change logs, so you know exactly which files were updated.
Don’t worry about the security
- SQL injection protection.
- XSS protection.
- CSRF protection.
- High secure latest PHP’s one-way password hashing algorithms.
- Password gates.
Server requirements
- Apache or Nginx web application server.
PHP version: >=8.2 (Minimum 8.2 or higher).
Required PHP extensions:
- intl PHP extension.
- mbstring PHP extension.
- openssl PHP extension.
- pgsql PHP extension.
- curl PHP extension (Not required for this software, but improves composer performance.).
- zip PHP extension (Not required for this software, but necessary for composer to work properly.).
- xml PHP extension (Not required for this software, but necessary for composer to work properly.).
- dom PHP extension (Not required for this software, but necessary for composer to work properly.).
- PostgreSQL 14.x or higher (Database).
SMTP mail application server.
PHP can send emails using its built-in email-sending methods. However, if you need more advanced email-sending features, you can use a dedicated local SMTP mail server application like Postfix, Sendmail, or Exim, or third-party email-sending services like SendGrid, Mailgun, and others.
- Composer (A dependency manager for PHP).
Before you buy…
Before you buy, make sure you have the following skills or have a third party to help with.
- Having somewhat decent knowledge and experience in PHP programming language and CodeIgniter4 PHP framework.
- Experience in Bootstrap v5.x frontend CSS framework.
- Experience in dealing with relational databases like PostgreSQL.
- Experience in dealing with servers and configurations.
- Experience in dealing with SMTP servers (Mail servers).
- Ability to follow documentations that written in English.
This release is not just an ordinary update. Appskull GEN 1 (versions 1–9) was built on CodeIgniter 3.x. However, this version (v10) is based on the latest CodeIgniter 4.x, which has been completely rewritten from the ground up. As a result, this marks the beginning of Appskull GEN 2.
In addition to upgrading the CodeIgniter framework, the entire application has been rebuilt from scratch using modern technologies and a more robust architecture. In simple terms, this new version of Appskull (GEN 2) is a completely different product compared to its predecessor (GEN 1).
To reflect these significant changes, we will maintain a dedicated changelog for Appskull GEN 2 here. For changelogs related to Appskull GEN 1, you can access them here.