Awesome Images is a photo sharing platform. Create your own photo sharing website like Instagram in just 3 minutes.
Design Features:
- Modern Design UI and UX.
- Coolest Welcome page with animation of image defined by Site Admin.
- Animated full screen morph search box.
- Timeline view for images.
- Random posts on the homepage with Facebook like loading animation.
- Animated Popup for login, sign-up and upload images.
- Fixed sidebar and fixed upload images button.
- GIF Images: Support for Play/Stop for Gif Images
- Blur Images: If the uploaded image is having a low resolution, it gets resized with blurred background.
- Infinite Scrolling: No need to tap on the next page to view more images.
- Lazy Load: Images will only be loaded when you scroll to its location.
User Features:
- Unique Username: Each user has a unique username.
- Unique Profile link: Each user has a link to their username.
- Image Gallery: Images posted by the users are shown in their profile.
- Follow/Unfollow System: The user can go to another profile and follow or unfollow them.
- User Points: User can earn points aka karma in their profile.
- Recommendation Engine: The images uploaded by users you followed will be displayed in the recommended section of the home page.
- Likes: User can like/unlike the images.
- Random Avatar: After sign-up, the user is assigned a cool looking random avatar.
- Comments and Replies: Users can comment and reply on each other uploads.
- Social Share: User can share the images on social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and even WhatsApp.
- 1 Click Image Download: User can download images directly from the image view page.
- Welcome Email: New User signup welcome email.
- New Follow Notification Email: Email notification whenever someone follows you.
Admin Features:
- Admin Dashboard: The admin has a unique dashboard.
- Minimalistic Look: No complex menus. All the tasks have been made simple to be performed by Admin.
- Update Notification: If there is any update to the script in the codecanyon, the admin will be notified in the dashboard.
- Brief insights on Dashboard A brief insights for new signups, new uploads and analytics shows on the dashboard.
- Editor’s Choice: Admin can handpick images to feature on the website. Images selected in the Editor’s Choice will be visible on the “Featured” section of the home page.
- Analytics: Analytics of user and uploads categorized in weekly and monthly basis.
- Categories: Create, Edit and Delete Categories.
- Image Manager: Edit and Delete image uploaded by users throughout your website.
- Search Engine: Quick search with Username or Email address for users or search with Image Caption for images.
- Page Manager: Add, Edit or Delete Pages like About Us, Contact Us etc.
- Custom 404 Page: 404 page can be customized with Page Editor. It supports custom HTML, CSS and Javascript too.
- User Management System: Get list of all users. Edit or Delete them as you wish.
- User Ban: Admin can ban a user and their uploads will be hidden throughout the website. Banned user will also be notified in their profile page.
- Verified User: Admin can mark user as “Verified User”. A tick mark badge will be appended to the user’s profile page marked as verified.
- Website Settings: All the basic website settings like website Name, Logo, Mobile Logos, Favicons etc. can be configured easily.
- Favicons for all devices: When admin uploads a favicon, it is resized and made compatible for all the devices.
- Points for user: Admin can opt to allow or disallow points for user uploads.
- Avatar from gallery: Admin can opt to allow or disallow users to choose an avatar from the gallery.
- Appearances Settings: Customize the site according to your need. Includes settings to change Site Color, Header Type (Fixed/Static), Header Color, Button Color.
- Watermarks: Uploaded images can have watermarks on them.
- Welcome Page Background: Admin can choose any image as welcome background.
- SEO Settings: Change Meta Title, Meta Description and Keywords.
- Google Analytics: Easy Google Analytics integration.
- Social Links: Directly add social links from the SEO Settings page.
- Google Ads Easy Google Ad integration on homepage and single view page.
- Custom Ad Banner: Add your own custom banner ad image on the homepage.
- Mail Engines: Multiple Mail Engines support. Mailtrap, Mailgun and Mandrill.
- Test Emails: Mail test sandbox for developers with Mailtrap
Security Features
- CSRF Protection
- Cross cite scripting (XSS) Protection
- SQL Injection Protection
- Secure Bcrypt password hashing
User Demo
Username: frankistine Password: demouser1
Admin Demo
Username: admin Password: password
Version Log
Version 1.4 05-07-2018 NEW: Quick Setup for the script (Like WordPress setup) NEW: Social Login: Facebook, Twitter, and Google NEW: URL for clearing the cache ( Fixed empty hashtags text on the homepage Minor UI bugs fixes
Version 1.3 08-03-2018 NEW: Leaderboard Section (Shows Leaderboard based on user's Karma) NEW: Added Leagues Improved DB seeder Minor Bugs Fixes
Version 1.2.2 03-11-2017 NEW: Admins can change users password. [ Manage Users > Select User > Change Password] NEW: Add Location or a little Bio on profile page. NEW: Added Current Version and Available version information in the dashboard. Added Verified Profile badge in the headers near user's avatar/name. Fixed upload rotation issues with images captured with digital camera and smartphones [Ignorning EXIF meta data] Fixed avatar rotation issues Fixed Image Caption edit bug on admin dashboard. Separated the installation folders for Cloud Hosting and Shared Hosting users.
Version 1.2.1 16-10-2017 NEW: Support for Shared Hosting. Updated the documentation with quick installation procedure for shared hosting. Major security update for user avatar changing functionality. Added support for Small-Medium old devices (ipad) Removed absolute codes.
Version 1.2 23-09-2017 Localization Language File. Added method to change website language in the Documentation. NEW: UTF-8 characters support for slug and Image Caption. (Supports Chinese or Arabic Characters) NEW: View Images by Category. Fixed empty image caption bug. Added new tag package with support for UTF-8 characters. Added tags input for Tags view pages. Removed auto-complete of tags placeholder from browser history. UI improvements in tags input design. Added Readmore.js plugin to plugins.js Fixed Show-more Show-less bug with emoji. Font size fixes for better UX. Speed Optimization
Version 1.1 18-09-2017 Full remap of interface. - Homepage now has your feed (images of the users you follow and the images that you uploaded) (Kudos to user "guesswhat" for suggestions) - If a user is not following anyone, Follow Suggestions will be displayed. - If a user is not logged in, the user will be redirected to "Explore" page. - Hot Page has been converted to "Explore" page like Instagram. New: Add multiple tags on images. New: View all images with a particular tag. New: Added features like duplicate tags validation. New: Appoint any user as Admin. New: Trending tags section on the homepage. New: Follow suggestions like Instagram. New: Social links and website links for the users.(Kudos to user "dude1977" for suggestions) New: Show More/Show Less feature for long Image Caption New: Image optimization by resizing the image and keeping the aspect ratio (Tested Image of 2.2M, converted to 48k after upload) Max upload size is now set to 3M. Many UI/UX improvements. Tons of bugs fixes. XSS issue fixed for comments and replies. XSS issue fixed for Post Tinker on Homepage. Website Speed Optimization Improved Documentation
Version 1.0.1 13-09-2017 Profanity/Badwords Filter Bugs Fixes Performance Enhancement