Barnelli supports WordPress 4.7.x
Visiting a restaurant is an experience, so visiting your website should be as well.
Barnelli is a minimal and highly responsive WordPress theme, designed for all you restaurateurs out there. This is not just a generic “theme” that can fit into all businesses
We focused on one industry to get things done the proper way. Our theme is specifically designed and coded for food business. If you are running small restaurant, fast-food or a kebab then this is a theme for you. We have all the restaurant specific elements covered so you don’t need to worry. Barnelli understands and addresses all your needs in one simple and elegant package.
Our theme contains:
- Revolution Slider Included, worth $19
- WPML support, does not include plugin
- full screen video
- slider based homepage
- mosaic, fully-customizable homepage
- edge to edge slider
- social icons / profiles
- favicon
- adjustable logo position ans size
- custom menu web/mobile versions
- single image background
- custom background for menu
- custom background for restaurant page
- widget ready
- multiple food menu styles (list / grid / photo grid)
- custom google fonts to choose from
- currency
- manual order sorting
- unlimited font colors to choose from
- reservation – working mail, customizable form
- time formats 24h / 12h
- mini slider / still image
- map / color and style adjustable
- custom map marker
- working contact form
- multilocation map
- social icons
- each element can be turned on and off
- opening times, live tile like functionality
- showing if open or closed
- time zone
- custom closing/opening label
- fully translatable in admin panel
- custom made visual builder for restaurant
- 4 types of block elements
- 3 types of gird layout
- hundreds of setup possibilities
- different functions for block elements
Note: Barnelli WordPress theme does not come with pictures, icons, logos or any other visual elements. These are only used in our demo.
(Remember that best way of updating theme is to insert your username and API key in admin panel)
Nov 06, 2017 v3.0.8 * Bug fixs * WooCommerce 3.x.x support Mar 10, 2017 v3.0.7 * reservation form improvements Feb 16, 2017 v3.0.6 * category/menu items drag & drop order fixed * reservation, from/to e-mail fix Feb 14, 2017 v.3.0.5 * mosaic map position fix Jan 16, 2017 v3.0.4 * smooth scroll update * minr bug fixes Jan 05, 2017 v.3.0.3 * WordPress 4.7.x compatible * Plugin updates * PHP7 compatibility fixes * JS optimizations * Booking form validation fix * Booking form labels fix * Video homepage fix * Single menu item fix * Mobile navigation padding fix * Calendar shortcode can be placed below/above content Aug 24, 2016 v3.0.2 * reservation form fix * navbar custom icon upload fix * other minor bug fixes July 14, 2016 v3.0.1 * Google Map API key * WooCommerce plugin update * Minor bug fixes May 9, 2016 v3.0 * New gallery / portfolio * New menu template / 3 variations * New hover effect * Read more tag implemented * Navigation dropdown change * Numerous Visual improvements * Mobile version fixes * WooCommerce compatibility issues fix * Revolutions Slider fix * WPML fix * Latest Google fonts added Mar 2, 2015 (v2.0.2) * yopress fix Mar 1, 2015 (v2.0.1) * WooCommerce double item adding problem * Yopress restaurant blocks edit mode fix * minor fixes and improvements Apr 24, 2015 (v1.8.7) * Fix for add_query_arg() and remove_query_arg() vulnerability Mar 24, 2015 (v1.8.6) * Upgraded WooCommerce templates * Fixed demo importer for users which use socket url for mysql connection (localhost:/tmp/mysql5d.sock) Mar 10, 2015 (v1.8.5) * Upgraded woocommerce files * Fixed Demo Importer for child themes Dec 15, 2014 (v1.8.4) * Contact Form Fix (required fields) * Contact Form Custom Message * Contact Form Confirmation Messgae Fix * Reservation Form Confirmation Message Fix * Page/Post Title Tag Fix Dec 9, 2014 (v1.8.1) * Added option to disable WooCommerce product reviews * Added option to set color of 'No Events' text in Event Calendar * Added Social Icons Widget * Fixed Contact term link field * Fixed Reservation term link field * Fix for Restaurant Block Slide Duration * Fix for Reservation Form Nov 24, 2014 (v1.8) * Added slide duration in restaurant mosaic * Added new block sizes for restaurant mosaic (2x4) * Added option to disable terms and conditions in forms * Food menu descriptions supports html * Language switcher (WPML required) * Search in top bar (optional) * Food menu appearance minor changes * Minor bug fixes Oct 6, 2014 (v1.7.6) * Fixed problem with menu fonts/icons * Minor CSS fixes * Added bold hover over no-icon menu item Oct 3, 2014 (v1.7.5) * Updated revolution slider * Fixed issue with revolution slider and djax * Multiple contact page fix Sep 26, 2014 (v1.7.4) * Updated WooCommerce template files * Added Option to disable map in contact * Added option to add 'Accept Terms checkbox' in reservation/contact forms * Fixed event calendar view bugs Sep 5, 2014 (v1.7.3) * Fix for YoPress restaurant editor for WordPress 4.0 * Fix for saving zoom level in admin on contact pages * Fix for map display on restaurant tiles view * Added more translation strings into po/mo files Jul 30, 2014 (v1.7.2) * Updated WooCommerce files * New Main navigation menu always on top option in admin * Food Menu No bullets fix * Dynamic menu footer fix * WooCommerce categories/tags fix * WP links to Tags and categories fixed * Custom Validation errors in reservation forms * Updated Revolution Slider * Added on/off option to show date picker in reservation form * Custom number of food menus prices * Custom number of columns in food menu products * Option to send emails using build in SMTP script instead of default wp_mail() * More social icons May 28, 2014 * Fixed submenu on iPad * Updated version of revolution slider * Fixed translation in woocommerce pages April 30, 2014 * Added WooCommerce support * Added footer - 1/2/3/4 columns (per page on/off, per category on/off, footer in woocommerce on/off) * Fixed TinyMCE shortcodes in WordPress 3.9 * Plenty of small bug fixesApril 17, 2014 * WordPress 3.9 ready * Home Full Screen Video / Self Hosted and Youtube (autoplay, repeat, mute) * Dynamic Page Loading on/off * Events Date supports WordPress date format settings * Multiple Addresses/Markers Contact Template * Updated translate file and WPML config * Lots of small bug fixes...
March 28, 2014 * Revolution Slider Update (manual update required, Remove current plugin version, upload from includes/plugins directory) * fixed navigation menu customization (font size and color) * added further navigation menu customization (menu line style color and menu color opacity) * added solid background color option for Restaurant page * added further Restaurant page customization (font face, font size for title and subtitle) * fixed WPML icons visibility on mobile devices * fixed link styles (CSS) * added full width template for static pages * slight admin reorder * custom sidebar position for pages * turn on/off author, data, categories and tags for archives and posts * fixed date in restaurant events * pdf/doc/odt djax link fix * other minor fixes and improvements March 24, 2014 * Revolution slider plugin update * djax / menu fix on IE9 browser * scroll fix on IE * minor CSS fixes March 20, 2014 * reservation validation fix * tons of new social icons, yelp included! * option to open social profile in new window * use browser default scrollbar * option to make scroll always visible * use html in contact page * console logs causing problem on IE removed * yopress layout small fixes and improvements * main navigation submenu fix * food menu font customization fix * choose to have sidebar on pages * text only version for navigation menu * other minor bug fixes March 14, 2014 * Fixed revolution slider url in plugin installer (oops) * Fixed event calendar query * Fixed css wrapper names * Added misssing wpml stirngs in contact page March 13, 2014 * Reveolution slider premium plugin (save $19) * Scrollbar customizations * Main Menu navigation font customizations * Minor bug fixes March 7, 2014 *Reservation Page Improvements *Scroll Fix (mobile and web) *Mobile Menu Fix (3 levels now) *Mobile Menu Open/Close Option *Mobile Menu link atribute added *Food Menu Photo Grid Style no Pictures Option *Mobile Arrow Link Supports WPML *Better Image Responsiveness Fix *Bigger Logo on Mobile Devices *Choose Scroll Color for Home and Food Menu *Theme Updater in yopress *Map as Restaurant Mosaic Element *Custom Code as Restaurant Mosaic Element *Food Menu Category Description *Fixed Padding in Contact Page *System Info Added *Small Layout Improvements *Other Bug Fixes March 3, 2014 * contact/reservation form captcha fix * food menu columns fix * default placeholdit for foodmenus fix February 27, 2014 * Event calendar / agenda * Captcha for reservation and contact page * Contact/Reservation messages templates improvements * Further opening hours functions * Solid background color picker for menu pages * Target blank for link function in restaurant mosaic blocks * Better video for restaurant mosaic blocks * Background image loop fix * Theme works with older PHP (5.2) * Map fix * Icon size fix * iPad responsive images fix * WPML integration fix February 21, 2014 * WMPL support, * Custom Multiple Food Menus (Lunch, Dinner, Deserts etc.), * Slider Customization (animations and easing type), * Responsiveness Fixes (image, food menu), * IE fixes (loading spinner), * Time Format Fix (pm / 24h), * Define Blog Category of Your Choice, * Restaurant Builder Customization Options (bg colors, font colors, etc), * Opening Hours ( ie. afternoon or evening times), * Custom CSS, * More Social Share Options, * New Nav Menu Style Option, * Plenty bug fixes... February 13, 2014 * Main menu font and colors customization * Scrollbar customizations * Fixed favicon * Added Revolution slider * Minor bug fixes February 10, 2014 * Fixed link in slider * Fixed Loader spinner in IE10/11 * Now You can choose Blog feed category February 8, 2014 * Added 12h/24h time format in restaurant openings * Fixed bug in block widget February 7, 2014 * Fixed class autoloader (Error with open_basedir restriction) * Fixed 40x40 icon problem