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HotelPoint – Hotel Listing Directory

Overview HotelPoint is a responsive, user-friendly and easy hotel listing directory. An agent (user) can register here free, purchase a hotel listing package and add his hotel. Admin also can add his own hotel in this script and if wants can stop the other agents adding their listing. This CMS is developed using the popular […]

RealsPoint – Real Estate Property Listing Platform

Overview RealsPoint is a responsive, user-friendly and easy property listing directory. An agent (user) can register here free, purchase a listing package and add his property for buy or sale. Admin also can add his own property in this script and if wants can stop the other agents adding their listing. This CMS is developed […]

RecipePoint – SaaS Multi Vendor Recipe Platform

Overview RecipePoint is a responsive and user-friendly recipe management system. In this system, users can easily open an account here, purchase a recipe package and add his/her recipe. Users can add free or pro recipe under a package. Admin can earn money in 2 ways. One is through recipe packages and another is getting commissions […]

Kuisine – Multi-language Restaurant Booking Platform

Kuisine is an exceptional restaurant website offering users a state-of-the-art booking system. Its multi-language capability and powerful time and table management options make it an ideal solution for a wide range of customers, including those with limited technical skills and experienced web developers alike. The platform’s distinctive design is aesthetically pleasing and delivers a premium […]

Website Review

Website Review is a free SEO tool which provides you with content analysis of the website. This app provides full information about links, and meta tags of the chosen domain. In addition, you get personal advice on how to optimize your HTML. Looking for a free regular licence? I’m looking for a translation of the […]

Restaurant Food Ordering Bot for WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger (SAAS Based) – Foody Friend

Are you ready to take your restaurant or food business to the next level? Look no further! Foody Friend is the ultimate Restaurant Food Ordering System that empowers restaurant owners and food entrepreneurs to create and manage their own online ordering businesses. With Foody Friend, you can effortlessly launch your online restaurant store and start […]

WALink – WhatsApp Shortlink and Floater Generator

Demo Access: Frontend: https://preview.wstacks.com/walink/user/login Username: testuser | Password: 123456 Backend: https://preview.wstacks.com/walink/adminUsername: admin | Password: admin Introducing WALink, a sophisticated WhatsApp Shortlink and Floater Generator meticulously developed on the robust Laravel 10 framework. This powerful tool empowers users to effortlessly shorten their WhatsApp links, streamlining communication with their audience. Additionally, WALink offers a seamless integration for […]

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