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Corporate Business WordPress Theme – Cleanstart

Cleanstart is a Corporate Business WordPress Theme
, built to serve as a foundation for your web projects. Its unique design is based on fine typography and large photography with a twist of post-Flat UI approach. Cleanstart lets you build your pages and posts with a Visual Builder and a great collection of Custom Shortcodes that offer flexibility and pixel-perfect design.

Main Features & some Extras!

  • Responsive Design with unlimited Skin & Background Color combinations
  • Bootstrap 3.0 with {less} (style.less is compiled automatically!)
  • Backend Page Builder based on WPBakery Page Builder (1)
  • Custom Plethora Shortcodes and VC Row Settings
  • WooThemes Flexslider custom integration
  • WooCommerce Ready to build a simple e-shop
  • WPML Ready to create a multilingual Website
  • Before & After Image Compare Shortcode
  • Enhanced Theme Settings, based on Redux Framework
  • Feature Activation/Deactivation System. Prevent loading of components that you don’t use in your website!
  • Parallax Backgrounds & Flexible Blog presentation
  • Enhanced Header Panel with Color | Image | Video | Slider | Map backgrounds, available for all pages & posts
  • Portfolio with Grid or Masonry view and Category Filters
  • Twitter Feed, Mailchimp & Flickr Integration
  • Google Fonts & Maps Integration
  • Translation Ready
  • SEO Friendly Clean Code
  • Cross Browser Compatibility, HTML5 / CSS3 Tested by W3C Validator
  • Advanced in-Source Comments for extra developer assistance
  • Contact Form 7 Compatible
  • Full Online Documentation

(1) (25/10) The incorporation of WPBakery Page Builder to our theme was done with extended customization in order to fit our design’s special layout needs. Just a few of its general features & shortcodes are incorporated and the plugin cannot be updated with new features from the plugin author. It will be updated only through Cleanstart Updates. Front-end builder is not included.


v2.2.0 [04/10/2022]

- UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder to ver. 6.6.0 
- UPDATE: Full compatibility with PHP 8.x versions

v2.1.0 [15/03/2021]

- UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder to ver. 6.6.0
- UPDATE: Plethora Framework to ver. 1.3.1
- IMPROVEMENT/FIX: Eliminated WP_Query array_map PHP warning
- FIX: Images & slider issues when displayed on the Head Panel element
- FIX: Fatal error during update occurring occasionally before installing Plethora Framework version 1.3.0
- FIX: Micro styling micro fixes on admin option views

v2.0.0 [25/11/2020]

- UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder to ver. 6.4.2
- UPDATE: Plethora Framework to ver. 1.3.0
- IMPROVEMENT/FIX: Redux Framework to 4.1.15 ( solving lots of micro issues with fields in WP 5.5 installations )
- IMPROVEMENT: WP LESS improvements, speeding up the stylesheet compiling and frontend performance

v1.6.6 [05/05/2020]

- UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder ( formerly Visual Composer ) to ver 6.2
- UPDATE: Several JS improvements
- FIX: default values for Gallery Grid shortcode are applied correctly.

v1.6.5 [17/03/2020]

- IMPROVEMENT: Added order options for category filters in Posts / Portfolio Grid shortcodes
- FIX: JS fix causing problems to mobile menu

v1.6.4 [10/02/2020]

- UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder ( formerly Visual Composer ) to ver 6.1
- UPDATE: Plethora Framework to 1.2.8 ver.
- FIX: minor PHP 7.3 issue occurring on initial Plethora Framework plugin activation

v1.6.3 [03/12/2019]

- IMPROVEMENT: Footer copyright & credit values accept shortcodes
- IMPROVEMENT: Widgets registration according to latest WP documentation guidelines
- FIX: JS fix that caused FAQ toggle event issues

v1.6.2 [06/08/2019]

- FIX: JS fix that caused slider display issues

v1.6.1 [26/07/2019]

- UPDATE: WPBakery Page Builder ( formerly Visual Composer ) to ver 6.0.5

v1.6.0 [08/07/2019]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to ver 6.0.3
- UPDATE: pot file updated
- UPDATE: Video.js library to latest 7.6 version
- IMPROVEMENT: description texts for several shortcode fields, indicating accurately what type of HTML tags can be entered
- FIX: Issue with media panel video autoplay after latest browser restrictions. Muted videos can use the autoplay feature now.
- DEPRECATED: Media panel video background dropped support for all formats except MP4
- DEPRECATED: Removed Google Plus references from several features

v1.5.9 [05/03/2019]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to ver 5.7

v1.5.8 [11/02/2019]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to ver 5.6

v1.5.7 [04/07/2018]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to ver 5.5.2
- UPDATE: Added consent checkbox for the new comment form

v1.5.6.1 [06/03/2018]

- FIX: Fixed shortcode malfunction due to child extensions. This mostly affected the Features Teaser shortcode.

v1.5.6 [05/03/2018]

- FIX: Added the correct child theme version in TF package ( please don't use the child theme contained in 1.5.5 version! )
- FIX: Fixed display issue with 'Call To Action' VC element button dropdown ( show/hide ).
- FIX: Fixed PHP Warning in Feature Teaser shortcode [count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable].
- FIX: Fixed TGM sprintf() PHP Warning [Too few arguments].
- FIX: Menu items are now being imported correctly

v1.5.5 [21/12/2017]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to 5.4.5 ver.
- UPDATE: Plethora Framework to 1.2.7 ver.
- UPDATE: Enabled some theme deactivated VC elements
- FIX: Fixed bug with Team Members shortcode.

v1.5.4 [31/08/2017]

- BUG: Fix for Woo Products Grid shortcode.

v1.5.3 [29/08/2017]

- IMPROVEMENT: Plethora Framework to 1.2.6 version
- IMPROVEMENT: Visual Composer to 5.2.1 version
- BUG: select2.js between WooCommerce and Redux
- BUG: Several micro fixes

v1.5.2 [01/03/2017]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to 5.0.1 version
- FIX: Several micro fixes

v1.5.1 [6/11/2016]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to 4.12.1 version
- FIX: WooCommerce product shortcodes working normally
- FIX: Newsletter shortcode notice
- FIX: About Us widget notice

v1.5.0 [10/07/2016]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to 4.12 version
- UPDATE: Updated TGM class to 2.61 version 
- UPDATE: Added Google Maps API key field in theme options to meet latest Google Map API policy changes.

v1.4.9 [28/04/2016]

- UPDATE: Visual Composer to version

v1.4.8 [15/04/2016]

- UPDATE: Compatibility with WP 4.5
- UPDATE: Visual Composer to 4.11.2 version Contains fix for WP 4.5 issue.
- FIX: Other microfixes

v1.4.7 [15/10/2015]

- FIX: Call To Action shortcode issue on page update
- FIX: Features Teaser shortcode issue on page update
- FIX: Contact Card shortcode issue on page update
- FIX: Horizontal Teaser shortcode issue on page update
- FIX: Mailchimp Newsletter shortcode issue on page update

v1.4.6 [06/10/2015]

- UPDATED: VC update to the latest version
- UPDATED: Updated Flickr widget working normally under SSL

v1.4.5 [24/08/2015]

- UPDATED: improved Widget classes according to latest WP 4.3 changes...avoided annoying notices!

v1.4.4 [25/06/2015]

- UPDATED: VC update to the latest version ( includes update of prettyPhoto to 3.1.6 - latest stable and secure version )
- FIX: Hiding Flexslider arrows when less than 2 items are placed
- FIX: Other microfixes

v1.4.3 [07/05/2015]

- NEW: Row/Column customizations for VC can be disabled using a theme settings switch. Necessary when working with VC plugins that affect VC row/column display, i.e."Ultimate Add-ons for Visual Composer" 
- FIX: PO/MO translation for administration strings works fine [ reported on #1517 ]
- FIX: Head panel issues for large touch devices [ reported on #1482 ]
- FIX: Snazzy maps fix
- UPDATED: Visual Composer updated to 4.5.1 ( fixing the buttons link issue )
- UPDATED: WPML config file updated values and configuration

v1.4.2 [06/04/2015]

- UPDATED: Additional Google Maps functionality ( TERRAIN/HYBRID, custom marker icons, etc. )
- FIX: Team Grid shortcode hover image disable working fine now ( #1333 )
- FIX: Body text color is working flawlessly
- FIX: Portfolio thumbnail selector issue ( #1368 )
- FIX: Portfolio grid masonry issue ( #1440 )
- FIX: Title attribute field is displayed in front-end main menu ( #1480 )

v1.4.1 [17/02/2015]

- NEW: Revolution Slider plugin support ( still in beta, plugin not included in theme package )
- NEW: "Latest Products" widget for WooCommerce
- NEW: "System info" dashboard widget, for better customer support experience
- NEW: Theme settings for body text font size and headings/button texts transformation
- UPDATED: LESS compiling functionality improved.
- UPDATED: 1.4 loading performance issues improved dramatically [ reported on #1297/ #1302 ]
- UPDATED: use of original image sizes on head panel & gallery grid shortcode lightboxes
- UPDATED: new 'Alternative' button style
- UPDATED: switch to select between featured image / slideshow display for portfolio
- FIX: Removed logo size & logo container padding options from metaboxes
- FIX: Slider selection fields return active language sliders ( ticket #1215 )
- FIX: Favicons are displayed normally ( ticket #1262 )
- FIX: Scrolling/blank space issue on Apple devices when trackpad used ( ticket #1258 )
- FIX: WooCommerce / Order dropdown field display is working normally
- MISC: Removed non used option from blog metabox

v1.4 [19/01/2015] “WooCommerce Ready”

- NEW: WooCommerce Support
- Page Builder management for 13 WooCommerce included shortcodes
- NEW: Products Grid Shortcode
- NEW: Development / Production mode switch
- NEW: Mailchimp Newsletter Shortcode now includes optional name and surname input fields
- UPDATED: "Show All" button options for Posts/Portfolio Grid
- UPDATED: Removed Blog options from Theme Settings panel. Blog options can be edited directly on blog page edit screen
- FIX: Widget areas on footer can display properly more than one widget
- FIX: Custom text fields for Top Toolbar / Copyright / Credits accept HTML
- FIX: Minor fix in About Us widget
- FIX: Styling inconsistencies for the menu and some buttons

v1.3.1 [30/12/2014]

- FIXED: Visual Composer's drag & drop issue on WP 4.1 installations

v1.3 [3/12/2014] “WPML Ready”

- NEW: Official WPML Ready
- NEW: Global Text & Link Color settings
- NEW: Skin-colored Section Link Color setting
- NEW: Header & Footer Color settings
- NEW: Sticky Header Transparency setting
- NEW: Footer Display Switches
- NEW: Text helper shortcodes ( accordions, tabs, toggles )
- UPDATED: Added per-slide linking for sliders
- UPDATED: Added prettyphoto functionality to single image shortcode
- FIXED: iPad Portrait after footer padding
- FIXED: Not jumping to top every time you hit a menu item that has sub-menu
- FIXED: Viewport animation issue

v1.2 [08/11/2014] “OnePager”

- NEW: One Page feature with smooth scrolling for creating one-page sites.
- NEW: "Posts Grid" shortcode.
- UPDATED: Added FontAwesome icon selector on Features Teaser Page Builder shortcode element.
- UPDATED: Class loading procedure allows easier override for child theme development
- UPDATED: Head Panel with Video now support .webm, .mp4 and .ogg. The Video sound switch is now operable. 
- UPDATED: Single posts can now display Author's Bio text.
- UPDATED: Added "Inverted" button styling on "Button" shortcode.
- UPDATED: converted dropdown into text field for maximum results in "Portfolio Grid" shortcode
- UPDATED: Text Rotator effect now uses a minified .js file for faster page loading speeds. 
- UPDATED: Minified version of main theme JS file: cleanstart_theme.min.js. ]
- UPDATED: Updated FontAwesome to 4.2.0.
- FIXED: Horizontal Teaser now includes instructions on how to properly embed your YouTube video link.
- FIXED: Email field on Team Member custom post type now displays the address correctly.
- FIXED: Features Teasers shortcode: Title and Subtitle fields are not being displayed if no values are supplied.
- FIXED: The Activated Navigation Buttons switch in the Portfolio Item page options is now operable.
- FIXED: Visual Composer Google+ Share button is now operable.
- FIXED: User-defined CSS class for page builder inner row is working
- EXPERIMENTAL: Plug & Play functionality for child theme users
- REMOVED: Envato Toolkit plugin support

v1.1 [24/10/2014]

- NEW: Latest Portfolio Widget.
- ADDED: Support for extra CSS classes and IDs for Visual Composer rows.
- ADDED: A link for quickly and easily finding long and lat values for Google Maps.
- ADDED: Social links now have a default target="_blank" attribute set.
- ADDED: The gallery on each Portfolio Item page, is now optional. 
- ADDED: Extra social icons on Contact Us widget. 
- ADDED: Switcher for Portfolio info box on Portfolio Post page.
- FIXED: Issues with PHP versions 5.2.x ( T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM ).
- FIXED: Proper loading of favicon ICO file. 
- FIXED: Contact us widget form mailto: field linking. 
- FIXED: All footer Custom Menu widgets are dark-colored.
- FIXED: Related portfolio items no longer display the same image.
- FIXED: Parallax effect on Call to Action shortcode is now being displayed properly. 
- FIXED: Footer was hidden on some Touch Devices while on landscape mode.
- FIXED: Footer Copyright/Credits fields accept HTML tags without problems.
- FIXED: Show Alt image attribute on Feature Teaser Shortcode.
- FIXED: Team Members were not showing more than 5 (default) member cards. 
- FIXED: Team Members properly displaying order. Image hover effect is now optional.
- FIXED: Problem with Title/Subtitle behavior on Portfolio pages.
- REMOVED: Unnecessary markup when no images are displayed on the Portfolio Item pages.
- REMOVED: Preview buttons for Slider and Person custom post types.
- REMOVED: Language switcher option ( it was not ready yet )

v1.0 [30/09/2014]

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