Hyip Rio – is an Advanced Investment System that is mainly used for the Hyip Investment Website. It is a highly secure and fast dynamic Hyip Investment Script. In the system user can register to the application and can deposit to the account and can Invest in any of the Investment Plans which is called Schema in the system. Users can get the Signup Bonus for registering to the website and they also can earn to referral. It has various referral levels to get the referral bonus. There is an integrated automatic payment gateway like Paypal, Stripe, Mollie, Coinbase, Paystack, VogurePay, Coingate, and Flutterwave. Also, it has an automatic withdrawal method to withdraw the money to the user account directly. It has a manual deposit method available. There is a Ranking system on the website, users can achieve any of the rankings to earn from investment and can unlock ranking badges. One user can transfer the fund to other users. There is an investment and deposit bounty available. All the systems and features are managed by the admin.
Login Details:
All Demo: https://hyiprio-landing.tdevs.co/
CoinOrbit Theme: https://hyiprio-coinorbit.tdevs.co/
Coinefy Theme: https://hyiprio-coinefy.tdevs.co/
Rock Theme: https://hardrock.tdevs.co/
Default Theme: https://hyiprio.tdevs.co/
Money Invest Theme: https://money.tdevs.co/
Mining Invest Theme: https://mining.tdevs.co/
Admin Login: https://hyiprio.tdevs.co/admin
Email: [email protected], Password: 12345678
Stripe Demo Card: 4242424242424242
Expiry Date: Any date in the future, CVV: 123
Admin Features
In the Dashboard menu, If there is a Manual deposit, Pending Withdraw request, and Pending KYCs then Admin can see this after logging into the admin panel. They are immediate tasks to complete first. Then admin can see the cards of all the basic data of the website. Also can see the statistics for the Last 7 Days of Deposits and Investments. Can explore Recently Registered users and Latest Investments.
In the Customers menu, there are all the registered users can be found, There are other Active users, Disabled Users, and the admin can send all the users any message immediately. Admin can edit any of the customer details to find his activities. Admin can add or subtract balance from any user. Admin can change all the performing statuses.
KYC Management
Admin can set the KYC form and check and review each of the user’s KYC.
Admin can see all the notifications here.
Manage Roles and Manage Staffs
In the Manage Roles menus, the admin can add any of the roles to the application and can assign any of the permissions to that role. And in the Manage Staffs menu admin can add new staff and can assign any of the roles to the staff with his permission.
Manage Schema
Schema is the Investment Plan or Package. In the Schedule menu, the admin can set the New Schedule on using an hourly basis. And in the Manage Schema menu admin can add a new Investment plan or edit any of the existing Schemas.
All the Transactions can be explored in this menu.
All Investments can be monitored from this menu.
User Profits
User All Profits can be explored in this menu.
Automatic Gateways
Admin can see the automatic payment gateways for deposit and withdrawal. He can set multiple currencies in a single gateway supported. Multiple currency-supported gateways are available.
In the Deposit menu, the admin can edit any of the automatic deposit methods. Also, can set the Manual Deposit methods and review any of the manual deposit requests. Also can explore the deposit histories.
Automatic and Manual Withdraws
Admin can set for user automatic withdraw and manual withdraw methods.
Manage Referral
Admin can set the Referral Targets and can assign those Targets to the Deposit and Investment Bounties. Every Investment and Deposit Bounty can set the Targets, Amounts, and Percentages to earn the users. When the user full fills any of the targets he gets the bonus according to the percentage.
User Rankings
Admin Can set the Rankings Levels with the Badge system. Once the user reaches the amount to earn using the profit wallet the user will unlock the Badge and get a bonus. The bonus amount will be set by the admin.
Landing Page
All the home page sections can be managed by the admin here.
Page Settings
Page Breadcrumb image will be updated from here.
All the page’s contents and can add a new custom page from this menu by admin.
Site Navigation
All the site Navigation and Footer Navigation can be handled from this menu.
Footer Contents
All the Footer Contents can be handled from this menu.
In the Site Settings menu Global, Permission, Site Fee, Limit and Bonus, Site Maintenance, and GDPR settings can be handled by the admin. In the email settings, the admin can set the mail configurations. Plugin Settings admin can manage Tawk Chat, Google reCaptcha, and Google Analytics.
Language Settings
In the Language Settings, the admin can set any of the Language.
Email Template
There are Email templates to send emails to the user for their activities.
Theme Management
There are multiple themes, any one admin can active and run. Also, there is an option to upload an HTML theme to run the HTML template on as a website landing page or other pages.
All Subscribers
Admin can see all the subscribers and send the message to them from here.
Support Tickets
Admin can explore all the Support Tickets from this menu.
Custom CSS
Admin can add custom CSS code from this menu.
Clear Caches
Admin can Clear Caches to click this menu.
Application Details
In this menu, the admin can explore the full Application Details
User Features
In the dashboard sidebar, there are two wallets one is the Main, and the amount one is the profit wallet. There the user can see the KYC submission bar to submit the KYC if the user does not submit the KYC before. On this page, users can also see the Ranking Level with Badge and Referral Links. Also, users can explore statistics and Recent Transactions.
All Schemas
Users can explore all the investment plans here and can invest in any of the plans.
Schemas Logs
There are All Invested plans to show.
All Transactions
User All Transactions will show there.
Add Money
Users can deposit from here using any automatic or manual deposit method.
All Deposit Log
User can explore all the deposit history here
Wallet Exchange
Users can exchange any amount from one wallet for another.
Send Money
Users can transfer the fund to another user.
Send Money Log
Users can see the Send Money Log here.
Withdraw Money
User need to add Withdraw account first then can request a Withdraw. Once a request is created the admin need to review the request and send money to the user manually.
Withdraw log
Users can explore all the Withdraw history here
Ranking Badge
The user can see which badge he achieves. The badge will unlock once he achieved and got the bonus.
All the user Referral details will show here. The referral target bonus will show here.
On the settings page, the user can edit and update all the profile settings here.
Support Tickets
Users can create a support ticket from here and can communicate with the admin directly.
Key Features:
- Customer Management
- Support Ticket
- KYC Management
- User & Admin Notifications
- Login as User
- Staff Management
- Role Management
- Advanced Plan Management
- Invested Plan Cancellation
- Plan Off Day system
- Landing Page
- Fully Responsive
- Dark and Light Mode
- User Profit
- Automatic Gateways
- Automatic and Manual Deposit
- Automatic & Manual Withdraw
- Crypto and Fiat Currency
- 2FA Verification
- Multi-Level Referral with Tree
- Target Based Referral
- User Rankings System
- Admin URL changeable
- User Ranking System
- Rankings Badge
- User Fund Transfer
- Signup Bonus
- Referral Bonus
- Rankings Bonus
- Main and Profit Wallets
- Fund Add and Subtract all the Wallets
- Wallet Exchange
- Landing Page Management
- Pages Management
- Home page redirection
- SMS Settings
- Page Management
- Pages SEO
- Site Navigation
- Site Footer
- Custom Site Currency
- Notification with tone
- Theme Management
- Dynamic Landing Theme
- Site Maintenance Mode
- GDPR Settings
- Language Settings
- Tawk Chat
- Google reCaptcha
- Google Analytics
- Email Newsletter
- Custom CSS
- Clear Caches
- Application Details
System Requirements:
- Laravel >=9.3
- PHP >= 8.1
- MySQL 5.7+
- Font Awesome Icon
- Lucid Icons
- Flaticon
- Ant Icon
Photo Credit:
Version 2.7.1 Feb 27th 2025
[Fixed] - Manual deposit blank page
Version 2.7 Feb 5th 2025
[Added] - New Theme CoinOrbit [Fixed] - Custom holiday issue [Fixed] - FAQ delete issue [Fixed] - Counter number issue [Fixed] - Investment cron job issue [Fixed] - Direct referral bonus issue
Version 2.6.2 Oct 20th 2024
[Fixed] - The deposit amount is going to be doubled in the main wallet issue. [Fixed] - The manual withdraw action button does not work. [Fixed] - Investment profit is not an added issue. [Fixed] - Manual deposit action is not working. [Fixed] - The latest data is showing the last issue. [Fixed] - Filter option not selected issue. [Fixed] - The user panel investment timeline didn't work in the mobile browser issue.
Version 2.6.1 Oct 7th, 2024
[Fixed] - The deposit amount going to be doubled in the main wallet issue. [Fixed] - The manual withdraw action button does not work. [Fixed] - Investment profit is not an added issue. [Fixed] - Manual deposit action is not working. [Fixed] - The latest data is showing the last issue. [Fixed] - Filter option not selected issue.
Version 2.6 – 22 Sept, 2024
[Added] - New landing theme. [Added] - Data table replaced and added filter. [Added] - Added Investment Plan Interest Range. [Added] - Rewards system. [Added] - Default mode in Permission Settings. [Added] - User notification for one and all users. [Added] - Custom holidays in Investment Plan. [Fixed] - Invest log timeline counter issue solved. [Fixed] - User referral system & page error fixed. (This error affected from v2.5) [Fixed] - Maintainance mode not activated issue solved. [Fixed] - Blog edit error solved. [Fixed] - Wallet exchange error fixed. [Fixed] - Total investment not showing on schema preview page fixed.
Version 2.5.1 – 13 July, 2024
[Fixed] - Mobile navigation toggle. [Fixed] - Logo size. [Added] - Site Performance updated.
Version 2.5 – 9 July, 2024
[Added] - A new dark landing page. [Added] - A new user dashboard with a mobile app view. [Added] - Added Script Installer. [Fixed] - Referral tree issue. [Fixed] - Nowpayment gateway USDT error. [Fixed] - Referral bonus function improved. [Fixed] - Wallet Exchange bugs. [Fixed] - 2fa qr code error.
Version 2.4 – 9 September, 2023
[Added] - 8 New Automatic Payment Gateways [Added] - 5 New Automatic Withdraw Gateways [Fixed] - Manual gateway data appending issue on the payment preview page. [Fixed] - Bounty Error fixed [Fixed] - Plugin issue fixed
Version 2.3 – 6 August, 2023
[Fixed] - Manual withdraw setup issue fixed [Fixed] - Manual deposit set on admin dashboard [Fixed] - Page settings [Fixed] - Mobile version append issue fixed [Fixed] - Plan to create 500 issues fixed
Version 2.2 – 31 July, 2023
[Added] - Notification on Admin and Users [Added] - Investment Plan cancellation system [Added] - Investment Plan Trending Sign [Added] - All the payment gateways are together including Deposit and Withdraw [Added] - Automatic Withdraw Methods [Added] - Deposit and Withdraw in multicurrency supported [Added] - Customizable admin URL [Added] - Crypto and Fiat Currency as site currency [Added] - Home page redirection on other pages [Added] - Introducing SMS Settings including Nexmo and Twilio [Added] - Introducing push notifications using Pusher plugin [Added] - Added Notification Tone [Added] - Full site language support including Admin and Users both [Added] - Registration page field management on page settings [Added] - Added Two new themes [Added] - Ranking System updated [Added] - Theme management and Dynamic Landing theme using HTML template [Added] - SMS and Push notification Template [Added] - Daily Limits on Wallet exchange, Send money, Withdrawal, Investment Cancellation [Added] - Referral code limit in letter
Version 2.1 – 03 April, 2023
[Fixed] - Investment auto-off issue fixed [Fixed] - Added holidays on the front-end investment plans
Version 2.0 – 29 March, 2023
[Added] - Multi-Level Referral with Tree [Added] - Plan Holiday System [Added] - Add money on Profit wallet from Admin
Version 1.2 – 21 Feb, 2023
[Added] - Timezone [Added] - Withdraw Weekly Scheduled [Added] - Messenger Chat [Added] - SMTP Checker [Added] - Newsletters [Fixed] - New manual gateway deposit goes to 500 error [Fixed] - The capital back amount was incorrect [Fixed] - Added a field of Number of Periods on the User Dashboard and Admin Dashboard [Fixed] - Blogs issue fixed [Fixed] - Rich editor data saving issue fixed [Fixed] - Withdraw Account disable issue fixed
Version 1.03 – 06 Jan, 2023
[Added] - Coninpayment deposit gateway [Added] - Withdraw and Deposit newsletters [Fixed] - Investment Calculator inactive plans showing issue fixed [Fixed] - Browser refresh double transaction issue fixed send money, withdraw, and manual deposits [Fixed] - User fund transfer balance issue fixed [Fixed] - Paypal live mode issue fixed
Version 1.02 – 11 Dec, 2022
[Added] Two automatic deposit gateways are added (Monnify and SecurionPay) [Fixed] The decimal value in profit and fees. [Fixed] The Direct Gateway investment, all gateway showing issue
Version 1.01 – 24 Nov, 2022
[Added] Two automatic deposit gateways are added (Coingate and Flutterwave) [Fixed] User Dashboard 'Add Money Log' table issue fixed [Fixed] User Registration page country and country code issue fixed [Fixed] Email SMTP Settings updated issue fixed on Admin Dashboard [Fixed] User registration 500 error fixed [Fixed] Contact form error fixed on Front end [Fixed] Image previews are fixed on User Panel
Version 1.0 – 21 Nov, 2022
Initial Release
Note: Full system is ready for business instantly.