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Idea Feedback Management System CRM – Feedback & Feature Requests for your Products / Services

User Feedback Platform

Idea is a Feedback Management System based on React Framework & CodeIgniter 4, making Customer Feedback Management easy as 1-2-3.

Its purpose is to provide you insights about what customers REALLY want, making decision-making process easy.
It can be used from product owners, webmasters, Envato authors or offline feedback seekers, in order to provide valuable insights from customers or service/product users.

It allows multiple Products/Services (boards), so you can massively generate feedback about multiple products/websites/services – manage, prioritise, and track feedback!

Simply ask your users to review, submit feature requests, vote feature requests, as per their likings and end up in valuable reports that will help you turn great ideas into reality.


Frontend demo (front-user experience): https://idea.themesic.com

Backend demo (admin area): https://idea.themesic.com/admin
Username: themesic
Password: ideascript

By using Idea, you can Listen to your customers/supporters in the more useful way and help them achieve greatness with the use of your product/service/website, without paying monthly commission fees at SaaS services!

Collecting feedback is critical for the maturation of your product/service. Stay ahead of the competition by listening to what your users really want.

  • Did you know that 98% of the product/services owners maintain their products’ feedback in a messy way and multiple places?
  • Did you know that you can save up to 12hrs per week, having your feedback gathered, ready for evaluation?
  • Did you know that product/services owners who hear their customers feedback, usually grow their businesses faster?
  • Did you know that end-users of your product/service are the best persons to submit ideas about them?
  • Did you know that Idea is the only selfhosted script out there with zero monthly costs?
  • Feedback Management is the epicenter of success!

    Build better products/services/websites with customer feedback. Idea helps teams collect and prioritize customer feedback in one place, based on votes and ideas submitted.

    It provides Advanced, exportable reports, so you can take corrective measures or provide new features for better customer experience. Enhance your customer loyalty and improve your overall business.

  • Idea FMS makes easy to collect feedback you’re already receiving through emails/chats or other sources.
  • Idea FMS automatically organises all the feedback you’re receiving and reports it to the respective persons.
  • Idea FMS allows roadmap updates after a staff member approves a suggestion and creates reports to easily find what’s important/planned/completed.
  • Idea FMS allows you to mass update all involved feedback users, once a feature is out or changes state.
  • It simply provides a better, gathered feedback management, without affecting your current workflow.

    Stop spending time on surveys, testing and rest actions!

    You dont need to guess what your customers want with time-consuming analysis, extra budget and efforts.

    Idea will help you in improving products/services, measuring customer satisfaction levels, keep customers happy and have them feel more valued after the feedback process.

    Documentation & User Guide

    It takes only a few seconds to be installed and activated. Documentation can be found online, and it contains everything you need, from Installation process to Every signle features explanation!

    Technical Details of Feedback Management Script

    Frontend Features:

  • React Framework
  • reCAPTCHA Spam protection by Google
  • Submit of anonymous feature requests
  • Optional Registration for receiving updates
  • Feature Suggestions’ Upvotes
  • Feature Suggestions’ Comments (discussion)
  • Multiple Products/Services
  • Roadmaps
  • 100% Translate ready
  • Backend Features:

  • Multiple Administrators
  • Multiple Employees (with restricted admin actions – only to moderate users feedback)
  • reCAPTCHA Spam protection by Google
  • Dynamic Roadmap Categories
  • Filters and moderation procedure
  • Reporting
  • 100% Translate ready admin area
  • Idea FMS comes as a standalone script and its installation contains an automatic installer.
    The provided documentation will help you configure every admin area setting aswell.


  • PHP version should be at least 7.3+ (8x versions are supported)
  • MySQL (5.1+) or related database (ie PostgreSQL, SQLite3, MSSQL)
  • MySQLi should be enabled/supported
  • GD should be enabled/supported
  • cURL should be enabled/supported
  • mbstring should be enabled/supported
  • intl should be enabled/supported
  • json should be enabled/supported
  • mysqlnd should be enabled/supported
  • xml should be enabled/supported
  • date.timezone should be set to the local one
  • zlib.output_compression should be disabled
  • Apache webserver (you will need to provide the necessary rewrite rules for nginx)
  • React and CodeIgniter’s 4 requirements
  • You need to have write permissions at script’s folder
  • You need to have database and database user creation permissions
  • While this list is supported in 99.99% of the hosting providers out there, we strongly suggest that you ensure the availability of them prior purchasing the item, by contacting your hosting provider.

    Got questions?

    If you have any questions, feel free to raise a support ticket at our support area.
    Guys from support department will get back to you as soon as possible with a reply.

    Version 1.0

    -Initial release
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