Multipurpose WordPress theme for Business services Company, Industry or Firm in Financial consultancy & Investment management. It’s time to get your company’s digital profile, identity & business ideas online
Perfect Website Solutions for Finance, Construction, Investors Marketing Blog and similar businesses company firm. It is supported RTL, Onepage or Landing Page, eCocommerce, Drag & Drop Builder, Multilingual or Multilanguage Ready, One click demo import. Create & manage a clean, modern company website using the Investment WordPress theme.
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Investment Expert – Business & Finance Consulting Responsive WordPress Theme for Investment Experts in Financial Consultancy
Perfect WordPress Solutions for Finance, Construction, Investors Marketing, and similar businesses. Investment Expert theme is supported WPBackery Page Builder, Gutenberg, Woocommerce, BBPress, WPML, RTL & more.
Investment Experts is light and clean design it’s a smart choice for finance, construction, investors and similar businesses. It has everything you need to take your company to the next level, but most of all it’s extremely easy to use: your new website we’ ll be ready in less time!
Key Features
- Multiple Home Styles
- 5 different header style
- Wide & Boxed layout
- Multiple Onepage style New!!!
- Unlimited colors preset
- Drag and Drop WPBakery Page Builder worth $45 for free
- 38+ additional WPBakery element
- Slider Revolution WP Plugin worth $25 for free
- WPML, PolyLang and Multilanguage by BestWebSoft Multilanguage plugins are supported
- Translation Ready – included .pot file
- RTL stylesheet for languages that are read from right to left like Arabic, Hebrew, etc
- Woocommerce-3.1.0 supported New!!!
- Product Image magnifier
- Product Wishlist option
- Pricing table included New!!!
- One Click Demo Installer
- Custom Post Type for Services, Team, Career, Portfolio
- Unique unlimited sidebars for each page/category possible
- Modern & Clean Design
- Different Portfolio Galleries
- Different Style service view
- Responsive designs that addapts to smaller devices (iphone, ipad)
- Retina Ready: Looks beautiful on smarthpones and tablets
- 35+ different page layouts
- Powerful Theme Options
- Easy manageable admin panel
- Short-codes Ready
- Advanced Typography options
- Google Font supported
- WPML supported
- BbPress Supported
- SEO Optimized: our Code is built with SEO best practice in mind: headings, heavy internal linking, google rich snippets and so much more
- Google maps
- Blog Pages
- Child theme included
- Regular update & dedicated support
2.4.0 - 18th February, 2025 1. Tested up to WordPress version 6.7.2 2. Updated WooCommerce outdated template 3. Update control-elementor plugin 4. Updated Theme required plugins 5. Updated CSS files 2.3.4 - 15th November, 2024 1. Fixed Elementor widget tabs 2. Fixed Elementor widget accordions 3. Updated Control Elementor plugin 4. Updated Investment Modules plugin 5. Updated WooCommerce outdated template 6. Updated demo content 7. Updated CSS files 2.3.3 - 30th September, 2024 1. Tested up to WordPress version 6.6.2 2. Updated WooCommerce outdated template 3. Updated Theme required plugins 4. Updated CSS files 2.3.2 - 07th July, 2024 1. Tested up to WordPress version 6.5.5 2. Updated WooCommerce outdated template 3. Updated Theme required plugins 2.2.0 - 2nd November, 2023 Changelog: 1. Updated TGMPA plugin installation 2. Updated WooCommerce outdated templates 2.1.7 - 6th July 2023 1. Updated WooCommerce outdated templates 2. Updated CSS files 2.1.6 - 10th May, 2023 1. Updated demo importer 2. Fixed Onepage nav menu logo update issue 3. Updated theme required plugin 4. Added setting to control call to action title font size and font weight 5. Added theme option import setting 6. Updated demo content 2.1.5 - 9th May, 2023 1. Added Portfolio widget (Elementor) 2. Added Blog Feeds widget (Elementor) 3. Added Testimonials Template widget (Elementor) 4. Updated Team Template widget (Elementor) 5. Updated Accordion widget (Elementor) styling 6. Updated Tabs widget (Elementor) styling 7. Updated Section widget (Elementor) controls 8. Fixed wpml/polylang data save issue 9. Fixed php errors 10. Updated theme required plugins 11. Updated demo content 12. CSS files 13. Added Elementor demo 2.0.8 - 17th October 2022 1. Updated theme required plugins 2. Improved demo data import 3. Added Responsive logo size options 4. Fixed Footer typogaphy issues 5. Added link target options in CTA section 6. Updated SCSS 2.0.6 - 4th October 2022 1. Fixed Offcanvas transition issues 2. Updated SASS files 3. Fixed WPBackery Image carousel 4. Improvement of responsive view 5. Updated Woocommerce template files 2.0.3 - 22nd July 2022 1. Added dynamic background settings in the footer widget area 2. Added dynamic background settings in the footer copyright background 3. Changed footer widget area tab to General settings in theme option 4. Updated WPBakery section settings 5. Updated WPBakery row settings 6. Fixed PHP error 7. Updated CSS files 8. Updated JS files 9. Updated demo content 2.0.2 - 16th July 2022 1. Fixed Portfolio information widget 2. Updated demo data 3. Updated theme required plugins 4. Fixed email subscriber form 5. Tested up to WordPress 6.0.1 6. Fixed about company widget default image URL 2.0.1 - 11th July 2022 1. Updated Demo Content 2. Updated Demo widgets 3. Updated Service template files 4. Updated responsive. scss 5. Updated style.scss 6. Update dynamic-style.PHP 7. Fixed control woocommerce issues 2.0.0 - 30th June 2022 1. Updated theme option 2. Fixed change layout issue 3. Updated Woocommerce templates 4. Updated header styles 5. Fixed page banner issue 6. Updated header content element 7. Updated company summary element 8. Updated Mailchimp horizontal form 9. Fixed background slider issue 10. Fixed navbar height issue 11. Navbar search icon is made functional 12. Updated boxed layout 13. Updated Landing page template 14. Fixed video background issue 15. Upgraded bootstrap 3 to bootstrap 5 16. Added SASS
1.8.5 - 15th September, 2020 1. Theme required plugins updated 2. WPML compability issues fixed 3. CSS fixed 1.4.2 -17th October, 2017 1. Woocommerce templates are updated for version 3.2+ 2. Plugins updated 3. Megamenu plugin added 4. Custom post type disable option added in theme options > general options. 5. CSS fixed. 1.4.1 -16th August, 2017 1. Responsive issue fixed 2. Plugin updated 3. CSS fixed. 1.4.0 -10th July, 2017 1. Woocommerce templates are updated for version 3.1.0 2. Force page header to transparent option added in page & archive page settings 3. Archive page content display option added in Portfolio, Partner, Service & Team archive page 4. Service & Team archive page column option added in theme option 5. Language switcher option is added for WPML, PolyLang, and Multilanguage by BestWebSoft 6. Google fonts subset bug fixed for safari 7. Visual composer & Slider Revolution plugins are updated 8. CSS fixed 1.3.9 -1st June, 2017 1. Woocommerce template updated 2. Force page header to transparent option added in page settings 3. CSS fixed. 1.3.6 -5th may, 2017 1. Image popup bug fixed. 2. Add display on/off option added in Figure Block & Company Summary VC elements 1.3.5 -2nd may, 2017 1. Search icon added in menu 2. Search icon option added in theme options 3. Google map bug fixed 1.3.2 -25th April, 2017 1. Woocommerce 3.04 compatible 2. Footer subscription form bug fixed 3. Slider Revolution plugin updated 1.3.0 -18th April, 2017 1. Woocommerce 3.03 compatitable 2. Landing page template added 3. SKillbar, Counter up and more visual composer element added 1.2.8 -7th April, 2017 1. Woocommerce 3.00 compatitable 2. Visual composer plugin updated 3. Scroll speed option added in Theme options Version 1.2.6 – 21th March, 2017 1. Visual composer plugin updated 2. Sticky menu button display option added in theme options Version 1.2.5 – 21th March, 2017 1. BbPress supported 2. Social link target fixed Version 1.2.1 – 09th March, 2017 1. WPML language switcher added in topbar 2. RTL css fixed 3. Topbar info display on/off option added in Theme options Version 1.2.0 – 07th March, 2017 1.Portfolio title make linkable 2.Service isotope/grid/carousel template added in VC element 3. Investment module plugin updated 4. Make mobile menu breakpoints option in the theme option 5. Topbar button same/new window link option Version 1.1.9 – 04th March, 2017 1. RTL strech row problem fixed 2. Next, the Previous post text option is added in Theme Options > the Blog option 3. Responsive fixed. Version 1.1.8 – 26th February, 2017 1. Google map API option added in theme option 2. Single Portfolio, Service & Team layout option added in Theme option 3. Topbar button display option added in theme option Version 1.1.7 – 23th February, 2017 1. Dynamic style fixed 2. Theme option warning fixed, when woocommerce plugin is not installed. Version 1.1.6 – 19th February, 2017 1. Pricing table included 2. CSS fixed. Version 1.1.5 – 19th February, 2017 1. Woocommerce support 2. Link text included in theme option Version 1.1.4 – 15th February, 2017 1. Dynamic CSS options fixed 2. CSS fixed. Version 1.1.3 – 10th February, 2017 1. Added custom link option for single portfolio 2. Dynamic CSS options fixed 3. CSS fixed. Version 1.1.2 – 26th January, 2017 1. Logo height option added in theme option 2. New home design added 3. CSS fixed. Version 1.1.1 – 24th January, 2017 1. Portfolio custom category link added 2. Demo data updated 3. Child theme included 4. Plugin version updated 5. CSS fixed. Version 1.1.0 – 23th January, 2017 1. RTL CSS file added 2. Demo data updated 3. Demo slider added in Main files 4. Plugin version updated 5. CSS fixed. Version 1.0.1 – 22th January, 2017 1. Typo error fixed 2. Contact page CSS issue fixed. 3. JS issue fixed. Version 1.0.0 – 19th January, 2017 1. Initial release