Job Board Portal solution with industry innovative features, specifically designed for easy customization, translation and use.
Template user guide, Knowledge base, FAQ, Support center
Admin, User demo
Frontend user login and location submission
Job Board Portal – Unique features
- Countries SVG geo maps for easy location area based searching
- Custom fields with visual editors (textareas, inputs, dropdowns, upload) / amenities / distances direct from Admin interface (No programming skills needed)
- Frontend links to wireframe visual widget and search forms editing
- Ready to use multilanguage (Backend+Frontend), RTL (Frontend) features like auto-translating with MyMemory API service and Google translator (manually corrections are also supported), look this extra simplicity, try administration!
- Dependent fields logic on submission, search form, results listing and listing preview
- Real multicurrency support ( different currency and different price on different language )
- JSON API ready to connect with Mobile apps and other services
Job Board Portal – Main Features
- Earn money providing listing and featured submissions for Employers on portal with PayPal/Cash/Bank transfer payment support
- Earn money with Google AdSense or other similar service
- Custom categories with sub-levels, separate fields for different categories supported
- Google Maps view for listing with populated GPS coordinates/selected location (GPS is not required, but optional)
- More then 150 Geo SVG maps included for many countries, list:
- User registration can be disabled
- Real multicurrency support ( different currency and different price on different language )
- Supported front-end and backend user-types/roles with submissions: Admin, Employer and front-end Employer/User with admin verification
- Front-end Facebook login for fast login
- Each Agent and user have public profile page with all listings, logo can be listed on homepage
- Enquires system for you and your Agent in administration
- Review system, Add to Favorites, Sharing options
- PDF Export for printing, Compare up to 4 listings at once
- Extra easy to use, drag & drop multi image upload, reorder images, pages, fields, widgets, search form fields
- Email alerts with possible customization via Admin interface
- Google reCaptcha support against spam
- Popular SEO techniques integrated, nice URI, customizable meta description, keywords for any page, auto xml sitemap generator.
- Real time CSS/Javascript minimizing and caching for faster loading
- Innovative drag & drop Menu and pages builder with logical page structure embedded
- Backup your database and files direct from administration
- Track your visitors with Google Analytics
- QR code on each listing preview page to quick access from smartphone
- Embedded YouTube videos supported for listings
- Watermark on images supported
- Responsive and Mobile friendly, based on Bootstrap 3
- JSON API, RSS feeds are available
- Based on Codeigniter, so if you know it you can easy customize anything you want
- Simple update to higher version via updater script
- Incredible support, documentation, knowledge base, FAQ section and quick answering on any issue!
Based on Premium Job Board template by our choice (19 USD worth of files)
Download Package
- Source JS
- Source CSS
- Source PHP files
- Documentation
- Preview example and bootstrap theme examples
Server requirements
- PHP version 5.6 or newer
- MySQL (4.1+)
If you enjoy this application please rate & share it! If you are rating it with less than 5 stars please drop me a mail why it didn?t achieve a full score and what could be improved in your opinion.
Changes log
1.7.5 – 2 October 2024
- New user type
- Video upload
- Template improvements
- Fixes on search form
- Alerts on translation
- CSS fixes
- PHP compatibility improvements
Update instructions from 1.7.4: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater
1.7.4 – 25 July 23
- TREE field improvements
- Edit buttons added for widgets
- API fix for limits featured activated
- CSS improvements
- RTL improvements like number formating
- PHP 8.2 better compatibility
- Installation troubles on some PHP 8.1 servers
- Reduced memory usage in some cases
Update instructions from 1.7.3: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater
1.7.3 – 23 February 23
- new PHP support improvements
- Small fixes
Update instructions from 1.7.2: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater
1.7.2 – 5 May 22
- new PHP support improvements
- Small fixes
Update instructions from 1.7.0: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script: index.php/updater multiple times
1.7.0 – 22 May 21
- PHP 8 support improvements
- Color edit fix in admin
- Small fixes
Update instructions from 1.6.6: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and (if you updating from older version) update database by running updater script few times: index.php/updater
1.6.6 – 06. June 19
- Layout fixes
- PHP 7.3 compatibility fixes
- Facebook compatibility fixes
- Google API improvements
- Compatibility with addons
Update instructions from 1.6.5: extract all files except ”/files” folder and ”/application/config” folder and update database by running updater script: index.php/updater
1.6.5 – 1 November 18