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Mim – Personal Portfolio WordPress Theme

Mim Portfolio Theme Overview

Mim – Personal Portfolio WordPress theme is a clean and modern WordPress theme for personal portfolio, resume web site. Built with the latest WordPress technology. Mim portfolio theme makes with responsive layout. So it looks great on all devices And also fastest page loading. It has predefined styling for represent your personal info. which can be imported form demo with one click.


Unyson Page Builder – Keynote app-like interface, So anyone can create beautiful page easily. This Content Builder includes lots of features which you can change a lot easily.

  • Easy to Use Keynote-like interface – Page builder with keynote app-like interface. Clear overview content inspector.
  • Drag & Drop Page Builder – Create your multiple layouts in a single page without touching theme code by dragging and dropping our various pre-defined content modules including gallery, blog, testimonials and etc. Let’s try the powerful built-in builder.
  • Save as Template – Page can be saved as template in order to apply to new pages. This saves time to develop new page.

Fully integrated with WordPress Customizer – Modify Appearance settings in a live preview. No matter what you change elements colors, background, typography, layout type, text or images, you will see the results instantly.

Develop your website to be responsive easily – Just only one click in Live Customizer to show the results in responsive view including on laptops, tablet or mobile phone

Theme Variations – We have two impressive theme variation with color now!

High Performance Animations – Say goodbye to outdated choppy animations. Take note of the frame rate at which the theme animations display at – your users will appreciate the time spent on performance optimization. It’s silky smooth.

Advanced Typography – Currently offering over 600+ font families all with precision options available such as line height, letter spacing, font weight, font style, font size & text transform available in the options panel.

Multiple Single Post Layouts – Choose from one of the three single post layout available that’s most appropriate for your website.

Extensive Theme Options – Mim theme features an exceptionally organized/designed options panel that provides you with fully control of your theme.

Powerful Lightboxes – Pretty Photo. Custom elements in Mim theme image gallery lightbox

Valid HTML5 – Because the insides are just as important as what the user sees.

Sortable Portfolio – Set up filters for your portfolio instances from categories you create which will sort through the projects without delay.

SEO Optimized – Care was taken when coding Mim theme and search engines will appreciate it.

Translation-Ready – Mim theme includes the .pot files and is ready to be translated into your desired language.

And Much More! – Check out the growing list of demos!


3.0 - 08 March 2019
* RTL Support Added.
* 10 Built-in Preloader.
* Dropdown menu support for hamberger and mobile.
* Every size device Responsive.
* Optimize code.

2.2 - 22 Dec 2017
* Menu Problem solve (Now menu works on every page) - Bug fix.
* Translation file update (POT) - Updated.
* Optimized code to speed up - Optimization .
* PHP Fatal error solved ( Cannot redeclare _action_hide_extensions_from_the_list() ) - Bug Fix.

13/10/2017 - v2.0
* Portfolio single (details) page added (New Feature).
* Builder description section HTML code support (Updated).
* Optimized code to speed up (Optimization).
* Portfolio shortcode style switcher added.

06/08/2017 - v1.2
* Menu and portfolio filter text strike through controller added (New Feature).
* Builder section color change option added (New Feature).
* Optimized code to speed up (Optimization).
* Added Two new section shortcode (New Feature).
*** Timeline.
*** Pricing Table.
* IE-10 JS error problem fix (Bug fix).

29/07/2017 - v1.1
* Fix menu style issue (Bug fix).
* Builder section targeting ID added (New Feature).
* Optimized code to speed up (Optimization).
* Added custom widget (New Feature).
*** Facebook.
*** Google+.
*** Twitter Feed.
*** MailChimp News Letter.
*** Follow me widget.

25/07/2017 - v1.0
* Initial Release.


Sources and Credits

I’ve used the following images, icons or other files as listed.



  •  bootstrap.min.css – Bootstrap 3
    (Recommendation – Do not edit this file but rather copy the classes you wish to change and paste them into style.css)
  • font-awesome.css – FontAwesome Icons
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