OCCASION is a Premium Multi-purpose Responsive Shopify Theme & Niche Designs designed and developed by ThemeForest’s Author. Theme is a Sectioned Shopify Theme, responsive, mobile compliance. W3C, HTML5, CSS3 strictly valid and compatible.
First of all, OCCASION perfectly and beautifully mix and match colors, banners, blocks… to give the whole layout a gorgeous look. OCCASION has a large banner for you to showcase your hottest and newest products to immediately catch your customers’ hearts. Information blocks are nicely and neatly display for your customers to easily find the information they need.
Also, you can avoid much cost on development and design premium Shopify theme Occasion (Because all the features you are seeing in the theme have been built into the theme and ALL ARE FREE). Gain full control over your entire website through your own Content Management System that lets you change the navigation, site content, images, products, collections and so much more.
What’s new in 1.0.7
+ Added: Occasion Kids Theme
What’s new in 1.0.6
+ Added: Occasion Shopping Theme
What’s new in 1.0.5
+ Added: Occasion Fashion Theme
Customers said about Occasion
Real stores based on Occasion theme
We advise reading and familiarizing yourself with the Shopify Manual. It is an extremely well written and thorough guide to understand the Shopify platform, written by Shopify themselves. It will help you understand many aspects of customization for your theme as well as using Shopify in general.
1/ Download the package from themeforest.net (the file is in zip format)
2/ Extract the file you’ve just downloaded.
3.1/ + With Occassion Super Market Theme: – Find this file: Occassion_SuperMarket_Theme_V1.0.6.zip (latest version) in the folder Source/Occassion_SuperMarket_Theme_V1.0.6 then you just need to uploadOccassion_SuperMarket_Theme_V1.0.6.zip file to your Shopify store.
3.2/ + With Occasion Fashion Theme: – Find this file: Occasion_Fashion_Theme_V1.0.1.zip (latest version) in the folder Source/Occasion_Fashion_Theme_V1.0.1 then you just need to upload Occasion_Fashion_Theme_V1.0.1.zip file to your Shopify store.
3.3/ + With Occasion ShoppingTheme: – Find this file: Occasion_Shopping_Theme_V1.0.0.zip (latest version) in the folder Source/Occasion_Shopping_Theme_V1.0.0 then you just need to upload Occasion_Shopping_Theme_V1.0.0.zip file to your Shopify store.
Full Theme Features
- Drag & Drop Layout Builder
- Support Shopify Sections
- Include Google’s Rich Product Snippets for Better SEO
- Responsive Design
- Built with CSS 4 + HTML 5
- Google Web Fonts Integration
- Bootstrap 4.X
- Mega Menu Module
- Ajax Layered Navigation (by Tags)
- Custom links for social media
- Display payment options
- Advanced Product Filter
- Variant Image
- Product Image Size Settings
- Product Daily Deal using Countdown Timer
- Multilevel Navigation
- Color Swatches Ready
- Custom logo, favicon upload easily
- Custom product per page and product per row
- Simply to Use & Variant Color Options in Admin Backend
- Newsletter Signup Popup with Mailchimp Support
- Custom Tabs (Horizontal & Vertical) in Product Page
- Slickslider Image Slideshow Module
- Dropdown Shopping Cart
- Ajax Add to Cart
- Product Label
- GRID & LIST Mode
- Hover Effect for Product Images
- Zoom Box & Lightbox Effect in Product Page
- Product Reviews (app)
- Related Products (Slider)
- Recently Viewed Products Products (Slider)
- Shipping Calculator in the Cart page
- Multiple Currencies
- Blog Page Design
- Custom Contact Page
- SEO Optimized
- Detailed documentation
What are Shopify Sections?
Shopify Sections is a new feature that was recently introduced by Shopify Official. It make Shopify Themes more customizable than ever. Sections let you empower merchants by giving them greater flexibility when customizing their online store. This new feature allows them to easily add or move content on their homepage with just a few clicks.
Enhance the theme customization with Shopify Sections
Think of sections as individual, customizable components of a theme. Within each section, you or your client can easily add, reorder, and remove chunks of content such as products, slideshows, videos, or collections.
You can preview your changes in real-time in either desktop or mobile view, offering more options to test our updated layouts in Shopify Themes on the fly.
Occasion Sectioned Shopify theme allows to add new sections on your pages. Reordering existing sections. Editing content within sections a breeze.
Do all themes support Shopify Sections?
NO, only the a few of new Shopify themes support sections. Occasion is a new Drag & Drop Sectioned Shopify Theme which was developed to fully support and take advanced of Shopify sections’ powerfulness.
A few functionality of Shopify sections come with our themes:
- Easy image uploading with image picker
- Simplified resource referencing with url setting
- Additional updates to the Shopify theme editor
- And all other Shopify sections’ features.
Included in the purchase package:
- Shopify Theme packages to install on your Shopify store
- Detailed installation & user guide documentation.
Resource credits:
Sample images from:
– google.com
Icons from:
– google.com
- All graphic images use for demo sample only and NOT include in the purchase packages.
We are NOT responsible for any copyright infringement by using these graphic images.
By purchasing our products, you acknowledge and completely understand and agree our notice.
If you are authors or own copyright of any resource, please submit DCMA notice to [email protected].
Customer Support
Please add our email: [email protected] to your address book to ensure our response email isn’t marked as spam mail.
We will try our best to reply your emails as soon as possible. However, we will prioritise email regarding Theme features and issues.
– We will reply your email regarding Theme features and issues within 24 hours.
– Regarding emails about template customisation, we will reply you within 48 hours (but normally much sooner).
Your opinions is highly appreciated and help us built better products.
Thank you.
Iphoenixthemes Team.
Version 1.0.7 05/31/2019 - Added: Occasion Kids Theme V1.0.0 (Sections Ready)
Version 1.0.6 05/08/2019 - Added: Occasion Shopping Theme V1.0.0 (Sections Ready) - Improved code /assets/occasion.js (for all shops)
Version 1.0.5 04/23/2019 - Added: Occasion Fashion Theme V1.0.0 (Sections Ready) - Bugs fixed: fix error showing wrong % discount sale in block daily deal (/sections/Home-daily-deals.liquid) - Bugs fixed: Fix error displays countless product in page shop (/assets/occasion.js)
Version 1.0.4 02/16/2019 - Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 1.0.3 02/08/2019 - Fixed paging error of blog page and improvements.
Version 1.0.2 - 01/24/2019 - Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 1.0.1 - 12/04/2018 - Fixed Liquid error: Could not find asset snippets/multilang.liquid (When create a new page). - Fixed The PRODUCT TAB section on the home page is not fully responsive. - Minor bug fixes.
Version 1.0.0 - 11/07/2018 - Theme Release!