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Perfex CRM Video Chat Add-on from LiveSmart

High-Quality Video and Audio

Demo – experience smooth, uninterrupted conversations with state-of-the-art video and sound clarity ______________________________________ Online scheduling

Health-care solution. Schedule meetings on definite timeframe. Augment verbal and visual communication with a robust chat function, perfect for Q&A sessions, resource sharing, and engaging participant interaction. ______________________________________ Online lessons

Broadcasting demo. Host webinars or meetings with as many participants as you need, thanks to the scalable architecture of the platform. ______________________________________ Monetization and subscriptions

Subscriptions and payments. Start using LiveSmart as SaaS and earning money with it. ______________________________________ ChatGPT

Directly start a meeting. You can ask AI different questions, while in a call or alone in the room. ______________________________________ Speech recognition

Speech is transformed into text messages, bringing presentations and collaborative sessions to life. ______________________________________ Text to speech

Type in your chat and your attendee will receive voice messages. This functionality can be combined with translation module. ______________________________________ Speech to text & translation

Translation demo. Speech to text and translation. It requires Google API key and is available for Chrome. Chat messages are also translated. ______________________________________ Breakout rooms and reactions

Host can organize breakout rooms and make attendees join different meetings. Also visitors can react with different emojis;. Login to dashboard with demo/demo, make sure breakout rooms and reactions are enabled and start a meeting. ______________________________________ Private rooms

You can setup a private room by defining a password for it. ______________________________________ ScreenShare, File share

Share your entire screen to present document or slides. Send files to all your participants. ______________________________________ Waiting room and admission

Attendee can adjust video and audio settings before joining a meeting. Also host can have the option to admit a visitor or not in the meeting. ______________________________________ Whiteboard

Collaborative whiteboard to help online teaching and presenters. ______________________________________ Chat

Interactive chat with user management ______________________________________ Stream YouTube video

Start the demo, open Settings, fill in YouTube URL and the video will start streaming. ______________________________________ Switch camera

Switch between front and back camera of your mobile. ______________________________________ Localization

For more information about how to do the localization of LiveSmart, visit this guide. ______________________________________ Presence button

If you want your customers to be able to contact you with video. Open the dashboard login with demo/demo, then on another device or in incognito open the button demo page and you will see how button goes green and the visitor can start a video request. ______________________________________
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