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PerfShield – The powerful security toolset for Perfex CRM

Security module for Perfex CRM

Introducing PerfShield, the ultimate security module for Perfex CRM.
Protect your Perfex CRM installation with PerfShield today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a secure system.

Perfex CRM is a robust and reliable CRM system that has been built to cater to the needs of businesses of all sizes.
However, even the most secure systems can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks, and this is where our PerfShield module comes in.

Our module was developed to secure it by providing essential security features and protect your data from unauthorized access.
With PerfShield, you can enhance the security of your Perfex CRM installation and protect it from brute force attacks.

PerfShield has been built with the latest security standards and it offers a range of features to help you manage the security of your Perfex CRM installation.

Our Brute Force Settings allow you to set a maximum number of login retries, lockout period, max lockouts, extended lockout, password reset retries, and max email sending.

You can also create IP/Range/User Blacklists to restrict access to your installation.
This enables businesses to be proactive about their installations and detect any suspicious activities in real-time.

PerfShield is incredibly easy to use and can be customized to meet your specific security needs. It is designed to provide you with complete peace of mind and this is the reason is became “a must-have” for businesses that want to enhance the security of their Perfex CRM installations.

PerfShield features:

  • Brute Force Settings
  • Max login retries
  • Lockout period
  • Max Lockouts
  • Extended Lockout
  • Password Reset Retries
  • Max Email Sendings
  • IP/Range/User Blacklists

With PerfShield, you can rest assured that your Perfex CRM installation is protected from all kinds of threats.

We understand the importance of security for your business and that’s why we have worked tirelessly to create a product that meets the highest standards of quality and performance.

Get started today and take the first step towards a safer, more secure business!


Most of the hosting providers have this setting enabled by default, but in case yours doesnt, allow_url_fopen has to be set to ON in PHP’s configuration. Minimum version of the core is 3.0


It takes only a couple minutes to be installed and activated.
We created a complete documentation regarding the installation and configuration process of our module, which you can find inside the downloaded zip file from CodeCanyon.


Just raise a support ticket within support area and we will get back to you ASAP!

Version 1.1.3

-Permissions limitation concept added

Version 1.1.2

-Code Improvements

Version 1.1.1

-Code Improvements for Bulk Customer Import action

Version 1.1.0

-Code Improvements
-Fix: Prevent admin accounts from being locked out

Version 1.0

-Initial version
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