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PHP Soccer – Lineup Builder

PHP Soccer is a PHP class that allows you to easily generate soccer formations in your pages.

If you have a website about soccer you can finally preview a match and show the possible lineups, review a match and visually represent the formations or talk about your perfect Real Madrid formation and get the opinions of your users.

Basic Implementation

With the Basic Implementation you will be able to create a generic soccer formation simply by adding the names of the players:

//create an object of the PhpSoccer class
$juventus = new PhpSoccer;

//set the names of the eleven players
$juventus->players = array('Buffon', 'Chiellini', 'Ogbonna', 'Bonucci', 'Asamoah', 'Marchisio', 'Pirlo', 'Vidal', 'Lichtsteiner', 'Morata', 'Tevez');

//print the formation on the page
echo $juventus->create();

Advanced Implementation

With the Advanced Implementation you will be able to create a soccer formation with a custom uniform for the goal keeper, custom uniforms for the standard players and a custom formation.

//create an object of the PhpSoccer class
$juventus= new PhpSoccer;

//set the goal keeper uniform ( from 1 to 200 )
$juventus->kuniform = 17;

//set the standard player uniform ( from 1 to 200 )
$juventus->puniform = 1;

//set the formation, choose one of 11 formations: 4-4-2, 4-4-1-1, 4-3-3, 4-5-1, 3-4-3, 3-5-2, 3-5-1-1, 5-3-2, 5-4-1, 4-2-3-1, 4-4-2-D
$juventus->formation = '3-5-2';

//set the names of the 11 players
$juventus->players = array('Buffon', 'Chiellini', 'Ogbonna', 'Bonucci', 'Asamoah', 'Marchisio', 'Pirlo', 'Vidal', 'Lichtsteiner', 'Morata', 'Tevez');

//set the skin of the players ( w = white, b = black )
$juventus->skin = array('w', 'w', 'b', 'w', 'b', 'w', 'w', 'w', 'w', 'w', 'w');

//print the formation on the page
echo $juventus->create();

Create custom uniforms

If you have Photoshop, with the PSD file included you will be able to create your own custom uniforms, watch the video below.

Includes 200 different uniforms

If you are without Photoshop or if you don’t have the time to create custom uniforms you can use the 200 included.

By default you can select between these eleven popular formations and with a basic knowledge of PHP you will also be able to create you own formations. ( more information on how to create custom formations are available in the documentation )

  • 4-4-2
  • 4-4-1-1
  • 4-3-3
  • 4-5-1
  • 3-4-3
  • 3-5-2
  • 3-5-1-1
  • 5-3-2
  • 5-4-1
  • 4-2-3-1
  • 4-4-2-D ( 4-4-2 Diamond )

Perfect for PHP beginners

The PHP Soccer class is extremely easy to use and the documentation that comes with the product includes all the steps needed to install and use this script inside your website.

Works great with desktop and mobile devices

The soccer formations generated by PHP Soccer work great with both desktop and mobile devices and can be used inside both fixed and responsive themes.

High quality design by Orange Box

All the assets included in this product have been generated using the best soccer assets available in the market, The Soccer Set by Orange Box.


- PHP 5.x or 7.x
- jQuery 1.x or 2.x or 3.x

Try now the powerful Soccer Engine plugin

Store, analyze, and display soccer data with Soccer Engine, the most advanced Soccer plugin available for WordPress.

Are you a soccer fan?

Create soccer standings with League Table for WordPress, one of the best-selling table plugins on CodeCanyon.

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