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Pouch – Responsive Drag and Drop Shopify Theme

Pouch supports the new Shopify sections. You can drag & drop to rearrange the content of your home page, add or remove sections as you want. It’s easy to configure, understand and work with. This extends on the other pages too: you can add custom content for any page using the Bootstrap 3 grid and you can configure page settings on the fly!

Many mobile websites that are just as big or bigger than their desktop counterparts can be found in the wild today. We serve images for what size you need, so for any device your client might have the images will scale properlly.

One of the main goals of an ecommerce site is to decrease the time it takes consumers to add products to their cart. By utilizing a “quick view” feature, a site can remove many obstacles — including clicks — and help shoppers initiate their ordering with relative ease and efficiency

The page won’t reload when a product is added to cart

You want to get the client as fast as possible to the checkout and that is why they don’t have to go through the cart page. Add product, popup cart shows up go straight to checkout -> $ in your pocket! Is that simple!

To reduce the wait time between pages – (even if with Pouch page size, the wait time is very small) – we filter the products right on the collection page. The user never leaves and filtering is blazing fast!

Any images or videos used in our demos are for demonstration purposes only and are NOT included in the download package. You should not use them unless you have the proper license.

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