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Premium memberships – for peepmatches

Premium membership subscriptions is a premium plugin for peepmatches script, so this plugin not working alone, you should buy peepmatches script first from HERE .

Premium membership subscriptions is the best solution to sell memberships for your Peepmatches
users to use your website’s features
By this plugin you can monetize from your website, by offering your registered users to upgrade their membership to use many activities at the community ( such as: use chat, messaging, adding photos, view members profiles, view photos…etc)
Premium memberships plugin working with usergroups and account types, so you can make many usergroups that will show in pricing page and set which permissions for each usergroups,
Let us understand how it works, let’s say that you want make the site is totally free for females and paid for males, then make 2 account types one called female and another called males, then create a usergroup called premium( or whatever ), then go to permissions page and give permission for this usergroup and the default free one, then go to membership plugin settings and choose the account type male and usergroup premium and set the price,
The above was an example, and you can use it as your site needs
Finally, let’s say that this plugin is the most wanted plugin to set paid and free roles for your member,
Any dating and social communities are need this plugin for monetize and earning from their websites
I prefer to take badoo.com and twoo.come as examples, and all of us know these dating websites well, badoo and twoo are depends on their earning in selling memberships, and the 2 websites earning millions of dollars every year ( only from selling memberships ).

1- User interface

  • Modern Dynamic and responsive pricing page
  • Multi membership level
  • Upgrade to use site features
  • Downgrade site features restriction
  • Send notification to user’s email for successful purchase, membership will expire, and membership is expired notifications
  • Multi languages translation
  • Avatar badge
  • Monthly subscriptions option
  • One time payment option
  • Free trial

1- Adminstration interface

  • Add memberships plans
  • Set prices for each plan
  • Set free trials and free trial period in days
  • Change user’s membership from user’s profile
  • All transactions appear in site earnings statement
  • Availability to assign membership plans for each account type



Please, create your account, so you can take the free trial to test the plugin .

Notice : We running credits system too, so there are features with credits system and another for premium membership plugin, If you want all site features working with membership subscription then you should deactivate credits system from your site . ( in the demo we running view profiles and some other features for premium membership and others for credits system ) .

– Updates

 v 1.1.0 ( 6 June 2018)
1- Compatible with peepmatches version 1.6.0 .
2- Missing translation phrases (fixed) .
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