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QR Maker – A PHP QR Code Generator

What is QR Code

A machine-readable code consisting of an array of black and white squares, typically used for storing URLs or other information for reading by the camera on a smartphone.

QR Maker will generate QR codes for Contacts, Email, SMS, URL, WIFI Password and text. It also Supports Paypal Payment QR Code and Bitcoin QR Code.


Here is the list of some amazing features of this QR code, you can read below.

  • Generate QR codes for Contain 6 Different type of Tab to create different types of QR codes
  • Easy to install
  • Usesr friendly
  • Responsive
  • Multilanguage
  • Competible for All Borwsers

How it’s work ?

Basically, through this QR-Code Generator, you can generate QR codes for Contacts, Email, SMS, URL, WIFI Password and text.

  • First of all, you need to select the tab in which you want to generate QR Code like, Text Or URL or email or anything else.
  • After that, you need to Enter the specific Data in the specific field for your QR code.
  • Now you Click the Generate button and the QR code will be generated on the right side
  • Now Just hit the download button and Use your QR code commercially.

Supported QR Codes

Followings are the Supported QR Codes option

  • URL QR Code
  • Contact/vCard QR Code
  • Email QR Code
  • SMS QR Code
  • WIFI Encryption
  • Paypal Payment QR Code
  • Bitcoin QR Code
  • Whastapp QR Code

One of the best things about this QR code generator is that It’s Design based on Bootstrap which means it is completely compatible for all devices either it’s a laptop, mobile, tablet, or any other device. If you are stuck anywhere, You, Will, get extraordinary technical support.

Recomended Hostings

Bluehost Get Extra 60% Off

Change Logs

Version 2.0.2 (Oct 23, 2021) 
    Code Optimization
    Bug Fixes
Version 2.0.1 (Aug 01, 2021) 
     WIFI bug fixed
     Asynchronous loader added
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