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Recurring PayPage – PHP Ready to Integrate Payment Gateways for Subscriptions

Recurring PayPage – PHP Ready to Integrate Payment Gateways for Subscriptions

After the success of our single payment gateway product PayPage, Here we are presenting The Recurring PayPage.

Implementation of recurring payment gateways in any website is not the quite easy task. To minimize this complexity of managing integrating these payment gateways, here we are come with the simple & ready to use script as Recurring PayPage.

Recurring PayPage is a PHP script which help you to integrate recurring payment gateway into your website. You can use this script in any PHP application including frameworks like, Laravel, CakePHP, CodeIgniter etc.

Recurring PayPage script built using PHP and it provides a facility to integrate recurring payment gateway like Stripe and Razorpay. You can integrate this script in your website with minimum time and resource. Using Recurring PayPage script you can Create, Update and Cancel Subscription, Also Customer can change his / her card information (Stripe) etc. This script does not send sensational data like customer card information, card number, CVV number etc to your server. It is directly communicated with payment gateway’s secured server so, you just got the payment response and transaction details from gateways.

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Features at Glance

  • Built Using PHP and jQuery
  • Ready & Easy to Integrate
  • Well Documented
  • Ready to integrate in any PHP Applications
  • Developer friendly code
  • Single Configuration file
  • Easy to test payment gateways on test & production mode.
  • And many More Features It’s worth to check the demo!

Please Note:

This is raw project example for Subscription payments and it is intended for the developer who wants to integrate Recurring payments for the subscriptions into their projects. Who knows HTML/PHP/JS and related payment gateways API’s very well. You will get demo example in package as it is. You need to build your own Strategy & functionalities as per your need using this script.

For the demonstration purposes we have used session in example, You may need to use database as per your need.

Server Requirements:

PHP >= 7.4
OpenSSL PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
Curl PHP Extension


RELEASE #1.5.0 - 20 JAN 2023
Libraries/API updated

RELEASE #1.0.0 - 18 JUNE 2020
Initial Release

Keywords: e-commerce, store, Stripe, ecommerce, razorpay, Indian payment gateway, Payment gateway, money, Recurring Payment, Subscription, PHP Script, Payment, Subscription Payment, SCA Ready, 3D Secure

We also provide Installation & Customization Services.

Flutter, Laravel, Angular, AngularJS, Mobile Apps, PHP, CodeIgniter, jQuery, WordPress

We do Web & Mobile Application Design, Development. Feel free to contact if you need Support or Custom Works.

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