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Billing Book -Advanced POS, Inventory, Accounting, Warehouse, Multi Users, GST Ready

Current Version v3.1 Brief Description Billing Book is a PHP/jQuery-based web-based application that allows you to manage your invoices, customers, suppliers, and stock. The application has an Easy POS system for a faster billing system. A very responsive web template has been used, the application contains complete source code and is easy to modify it […]

Δωρεάν ηλεκτρονική τιμολόγηση – myDATA ΑΑΔΕ module for Perfex CRM

Δωρεάν τιμολόγηση myDATA Αν χρησιμοποιείτε το Perfex CRM και θέλετε να διαβιβάζετε τα τιμολόγιά σας στο myDATA χωρίς κανένα απολύτως μηνιαίο κόστος, τότε το AADE myDATA Connector module είναι η λύση που ψάχνετε! Ενώ οι περισσότερες λύσεις της αγοράς χρεώνουν ανά μήνα, ανά τιμολόγιο ή ακόμα και ανά αριθμό πελατών, το AADE myDATA Connector module […]

QuickBooks® Online Module for Perfex CRM – Real Time and Scheduled Synchronization

NOTE: This is a module for Perfex CRM . Not a standalone script. Brief Description Integrating QuickBooks with Perfex gives full visibility into how your business is running and where it can be improved. Accounting software and CRM work together to share data between sales and accounting, including customer information, sales orders, expenses, and invoicing […]

ToryLab – Inventory Management System

ToryLab, is a simple and professional Inventory Management system that comes with PHP Laravel. Its most the cheaper solution for shops and big or small Businesses. It’s developed for those people who are interested to create their own Inventory Management system or who need a personal Inventory Management system to run their small or big […]

Expense Manager

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Point of Sale – POS Billing and Stock Management System

POS Our Point of Sale (POS) and Billing System is an advanced tool designed for efficient billing and stock management. It features invoicing capabilities and offers a range of advanced functionalities such as: Tax calculationsInventory managementAddons and product variationsWarehouse and branch managementMulti-store supportBrand and category organizationAdvanced reportingBarcode generationThermal printer compatibility (various sizes)Multilingual and multi-currency support […]

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