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NewsPilot – Automatic News Aggregator & Script

NewsPilot is a autopilot news script platform developed based on Codeingiter PHP Framework and Mysql Database. You can install and schedule the script to grab news from other popular websites and post them on your own website You can also create maual news, place adsense, create news moderator, create unlimited news category, sources and generate […]

CyberBukit Automatic Writing – SaaS Ready

Run your business like You can run it as SaaS with Regular License. Where can you get scripts/articles for sale? Take a look at this website:, they provide many PLR articles which can be used for newsletters, SEO articles, blog and so on. PLR generally means that reselling is allowed. You may take […]

NewsPilot – Automatic News Aggregator & Script

NewsPilot is a autopilot news script platform developed based on Codeingiter PHP Framework and Mysql Database. You can install and schedule the script to grab news from other popular websites and post them on your own website You can also create maual news, place adsense, create news moderator, create unlimited news category, sources and generate […]

Auto Photo Albums – jQuery Multi Level Image Grid Gallery

STOP ADDING YOUR IMAGES MANUALLY IN YOUR PAGE! This is a plugin that scans a folder in your server containing images and folders. The plugin will make a grid responsive gallery taking the folders as albums. Put the plugin in your page once and then no more coding, you only need to take care of […]

Auto Grid Responsive Gallery

Auto Grid Responsive Gallery This is a plugin that scans a folder in your server and its subfolders containing images. The subfolders will be the categories that will appear at the top, and the plugin will make a grid responsive gallery with the images. Put the plugin in your page once and then no more […]

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