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NeoBeat – Music WordPress Theme

Welcome to NeoBeat, where music is everything! We designed NeoBeat for all types of modern music websites, so if you are a record label, an artist, a music blogger, or if you run a music store or a music festival, this theme was designed with you in mind. The theme comes with 9 stunning & […]

Shuffle – Music Theme

Let music set you free! Feel the vibe of Shuffle! Show your love for music with a theme specially created for music bands, musicians and DJs!Shuffle is all in one music theme with a vast set of layouts and elements perfect for showcasing albums, creating galleries and playlists and announcing tour dates. This theme is […]

Mixtape – Music Theme for Artists & Festivals

We have made the perfect Mixtape that will suit everyone’s music taste! The theme is deftly crafted for the needs of artists and everyone in the music business, whether you are a band, a dj, a music shop owner or if you would like to build a festival dedicated website, Mixtape has absolutely everything you […]

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