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Bakery | WordPress Cake & Food Theme

#1 top selling food theme of all time on Themeforest WordPress 6.7 Ready GDPR Ready Bakery is a premium WordPress theme designed for bakeries, cake shops, and other food-related businesses, with 3,000+ active users all over the world. It prides itself on being incredibly easy to use and powerful through its advanced options that allow […]

Caking – Cake & Bakery Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme

Satisfy all of your web cravings with Caking! If you are looking for a Shopify theme that will help you effortlessly build a delicious website for your cake shop, sweets shop, bakery shop, and even chocolate or ice cream shop, you’ve come to the right place! For anyone in the cake, bakery, chocolate, candy, cookies, […]

Donet – Cake & Bakery Responsive Shopify 2.0 Theme

Satisfy all of your web cravings with Donet! If you are looking for a Shopify theme that will help you effortlessly build a delicious website for your cake shop, sweets shop, bakery shop, and even chocolate or ice cream shop, you’ve come to the right place! For anyone into the cake, bakery, chocolate, candy, cookies, […]

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