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WhatSender – Whatsapp server and bulk sender (SAAS)

WhatSender is a whatsapp marketing platform its build with Laravel and Node Js. WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2 billion active users. This makes it an attractive platform for businesses to reach out to potential customers and engage with their existing customer base. The WhatSender customers […]

ChatNet – PHP Chat Room & Private Chat Script

ChatNet is a fully-fledged PHP Group Chat Room and Private Chat Script for your website, mobile app or web application. It’s mobile-first, modern and user-friendly design will make your website or app a feature-rich community and social platform seamlessly. Follow us on twitter for updates @oncodestech We’re listening! Have suggestions for ChatNet? We want to […]

Taskify SaaS – Project Management System in Laravel

Taskify SaaS – Project Management System in Laravel Most awaited, loved, and latest Project Management, Task management and Productivity Tool’s SaaS version has arrived. Kickstart your business with the robust and feature-rich SaaS software. Demo Details: URL: https://taskify-saas.taskhub.company/ Super Admin / Business Owner: [email protected]: 12345678 Admin / SaaS Subscriber: [email protected]: 12345678 Team Member: [email protected]: 12345678 […]

ChatPion: AI Chatbot for Facebook, Instagram, eCommerce, SMS/Email & Social Media Marketing (SaaS)

ChatPion is an all-in-one solution designed to uplift your business across various domains such as marketing, sales, automation & ecommerce business. Our platform boasts an advanced AI chatbot creator with an intuitive Drag & Drop flow builder, eliminating the need for coding skills. Effortless integration with, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram DM, ensures constant communication. Our […]

TicketGo – Support Ticket System

Overview TicketGo – The Support Ticket System is an adequately designed ticket-managing PHP system that facilitates a great user experience for your Clients / Customers / End-User. Accessible by multiple Agents and Admin, this tool helps in managing tickets generated by Clients / Customers / End-User. By adequately managed support you can close the generated […]

Workreap – Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme

Discover Workreap, a state-of-the-art freelance marketplace theme designed to create freelance marketplace websites. This comprehensive and versatile theme offers a wealth of features tailored to enhance user experience for both freelancers and employers, making it a standout choice for creating a dynamic and engaging marketplace. Here’s an in-depth look at the remarkable capabilities of the […]

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