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Foxic – Modern and Clean, Multipurpose Shopify Theme

Finally, we did the best product for YOU! You will be surprised at the flexibility and comfort in the process of customizing the theme. We give a tooth that the FOXic theme in your store will make hundreds of sales per day, and this is not the limit. This is facilitated by a well-thought-out UI […]

Lumia – Multipurpose Shopify Theme OS 2.0 – Multilanguage – RTL Support

We are glad to present you our the most perfect Shopify 2.0 theme, which supports Sections Everywhere with high metric scores by Google page speed insight. This is the most mobile-oriented theme that will be convenient on any of your devices. General Features 3D Variants Ready Additional Product Options – new Advanced Faq Auto Renew […]

Basel – Multipurpose Ecommerce Shopify Theme

BASEL is a professional minimalist AJAX responsive theme built to create modern powerful e-commerce web-site. Using popular Drag & Drop page builder, a lot of theme settings and options, premium sliders and Shopify, you are able to create a heavy store that looks perfect on any screen resolution. The theme is suitable for any kind […]

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