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SmartEnd CMS for multipurpose & real estate with Restful API

SmartEnd CMS is a distinctive admin dashboard (control panel) with all options you may need to build any type of websites, built will Laravel 6.0 powerful framework, It contains Frontend site preview and flexible Restful API. Open source code can be updated easily with good documentation and tips that will help you. Demo: Dashboard Features: […]

Sparic – Laravel Admin dashboard Template

Sparic – laravel vite bootstrap admin template. This laravel framework Includes Blade.php Pages & 50+ Plugins. It has a Clean creative laravel blade template, Awesome cool colors, charts, custom Tables and calendars. There are Premium Dashboard Laravel UI which can use be used for multipurpose php script blade template. This laravel admin template Advanced Form-Elements […]

Halfdata Admin Panel

You like some of our WordPress plugins (Layered Popups, Digital Paybox, Code Shop or Stripe Instant Downloads), but your website is not WordPress-driven? It’s not a problem at all. Now you can use these plugins with any website: Joomla, Magento, OpenCart, whatever – any CMS or even plain HTML pages. Just install Halfdata Admin Panel […]

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