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CloudOffice SaaS – Office Apps & Productivity

CloudOffice is a suite of SaaS productivity applications that includes Cloud Word, Spreadsheet, Cloud Drive, Cloud Image Editing, Calendar, and more. These applications are designed to work together seamlessly to help users create, edit, and share documents, spreadsheets, and files and edit image and calendar events. Demo Access Landing Page https://office.cloudonex.com/ General User https://office.cloudonex.com/office/login Username: […]

Cartzilla – Digital Marketplace & Grocery Store WordPress Theme

Cartzilla is the ultimate WordPress theme for your Digital Marketplace & Grocery Store. Along with the Digital Marketplace & Grocery Store demo, it includes Fashion Store, Electronics Store and Help Center demos. Our theme integrates seamlessly with Dokan to provide multi-vendor features. Our pages are designed to provide smooth and engaging user experience. Cartzilla’s home […]

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