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MusicPlay – Music & DJ Responsive WordPress Theme

Note: Using the theme Ajaxified option will not give compatibility for some plugins. we would recommend using non-Ajaxified option to make work with third-party plugins. You can enable or disable the Ajaxified option from theme options panel. MusicPlay is a powerful and responsive Music Band & DJ WordPress Theme with pretty much advanced features like […]

MusicPlay – Music & DJ Responsive WordPress Theme

Note: Using the theme Ajaxified option will not give compatibility for some plugins. we would recommend using non-Ajaxified option to make work with third-party plugins. You can enable or disable the Ajaxified option from theme options panel. MusicPlay is a powerful and responsive Music Band & DJ WordPress Theme with pretty much advanced features like […]

Kentha – Music WordPress Theme

Kentha: the ultimate Responsive Music WordPress theme. Audio visualizer, non-stop music player, artists, events, podcasts and more. With its endless potential, Kentha is the perfect music theme for dj, musicians, bands, music labels, clubs and singers. Unlimited possibilities, no coding skills required! New demos in Version 4! 6 new stunning prebuilt websites for your underground […]

Vice: Underground Music Elementor WordPress Theme

VICE VERSION 3 IS OUT! The most stunning WordPress theme for underground music websites Now with a new interactive 3D background and Elementor support, plus 8 new Elementor widgets, glitch effexts, 3d interactions, carousels and sliders. Introducing a new child theme: DHRK! (included with Vice) A minimal stunning super fast child theme for Vice, to […]

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