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PHP Encoder & Obfuscator

WHAT’S NEW? V2 is online – please also update the PLUGINS (if you have some) PHP Encoder & Obfuscator With this encoder script you can make your PHP source code unreadable for normal people but the skript will still work on your webserver. This is very useful when you give a script to someone but […]

LicenseBox – PHP Licenser and Updates Manager

Introducing LicenseBox – the all-in-one solution for managing licenses and updates for your PHP applications, WordPress plugins, and themes. Our easy-to-use platform offers a user-friendly interface and requires minimal server resources to run. But that’s not all – LicenseBox also comes with integration examples, sample codes, and a built-in helper file generator to make integration […]

PHP Encoder & Obfuscator

WHAT’S NEW? V2 is online – please also update the PLUGINS (if you have some) PHP Encoder & Obfuscator With this encoder script you can make your PHP source code unreadable for normal people but the skript will still work on your webserver. This is very useful when you give a script to someone but […]

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