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Restaurant Food Ordering Bot for WhatsApp, Telegram, Messenger (SAAS Based) – Foody Friend

Are you ready to take your restaurant or food business to the next level? Look no further! Foody Friend is the ultimate Restaurant Food Ordering System that empowers restaurant owners and food entrepreneurs to create and manage their own online ordering businesses. With Foody Friend, you can effortlessly launch your online restaurant store and start […]

MP3 Converter PHP Script

Demo Site: https://demo.mp3youtu.be Description: Create your own MP3 conversion site easily with our flagship software: • Downloads & converts content from up to 10 of the most popular video/audio hosting sites in the world• One FREE site module (your choice) is included with your purchase• Outputs converted files to MP3 audio format• Displays download AND […]

Ultimate Video Downloader – Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo

Moko Ultimate Video Download Tool gives you the easy opportunity to download your favorite videos from Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter without the need of any external API. This amazing tool does not require any Coding, Database or any complex term. In fact, my 4 month old kid just download a cartoon video from Facebook herself in […]

Social Monitor – Find Your Brand Mentions on Social Media

Social Monitor is a way to save common searches and browse any social mentions on Facebook or Twitter directly in one dashboard. Get a list of your brand mentions across the two most popular platforms, so you can manage your social media reputation easier. This script uses Twitter and Facebook’s official API, so there is […]

Turbo Website Reviewer – In-depth SEO Analysis Tool

Turbo Website Reviewer helps to identify your SEO mistakes and optimize your web page contents for a better search engine ranking. It also offers side-by-side SEO comparisons with your competitors. Analysis report also be downloaded as PDF file for offline usage. In-depth Analysis Report: Meta Title Meta Description Meta Keywords Headings Google Preview Missing Image […]

Stackposts – Social Marketing Tool

Stackposts Main Script (Regular license) https://demo.stackposts.com/sprePreview it as a UserUser: userdemoPassword: 123456 Preview it as an AdminUser: admindemoPassword: 123456 Stackposts Main Script (Extended license) https://demo.stackposts.com/spex  Preview it as a UserUser: userdemoPassword: 123456 Preview it as an AdminUser: admindemoPassword: 123456 Stackposts Main Script + All Modules https://demo.stackposts.com/spmoPreview it as a UserUser: userdemoPassword: 123456 Preview it as an […]

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