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FoodLab – On demand Food Delivery System

FoodLab, a professional food delivery Solution that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their On-demand food delivery website. In terms of percentage, about 42% of the overall food ordering market is now being placed online. Collectively, the annual growth rate of the food industry is about 3.7%, with […]

Qualis – Organic Food Responsive eCommerce Shopify Theme

Qualis – Organic Food Responsive eCommerce Shopify Theme is a clean and elegant design – suitable for selling organic products, fruits, flowers, foods, hotels, meats, clothing, fashion, high fashion, men fashion, women fashion, accessories, digital, kids, watches, jewelries, shoes, kids, furniture, sports….. It has a fully responsive width adjusts automatically to any screen size or […]

Techhouse – Electronics & Gadgets Shopify Theme

    With full cross-browser compatibility, Etechouse is an attractive and flexible shopify theme. There are 3 amazing layouts available that will allow you to customize your store as much as you want. Every section can be customized. The theme includes some powerful features that would help your customers easily find what they’re looking for. […]

iFood – multi restaurant merchant hosting site SAAS

Live Demo + Login as admin (link)—[username: khalid; password: khalid] + What is new in v1.1 (18/09/2020) add taxes (take a commission on orders): you can change the percentage from the administration. geolocation: Ex. Restaurants near me, Search in all nearby restaurants using the visitor actual location latitude & longitude and compare it with the […]

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