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Kasino – Online Casino Platform

Kasino, a laravel made Online Gaming platform that enables a great opportunity to start your own Casino website. The casino is by far the most popular game and there were an estimated 2.8 billion gamers across the globe. According to the American Gaming Association (AGA), as of 2018, approximately 2,800 sites are active online and […]

BetLab – Sports Betting Platform

BetLab is a top-tier sports betting solution built on the robust PHP Laravel framework. Crafted with precision, it caters to aspiring entrepreneurs keen on launching their own betting websites. BetLab stands as a comprehensive answer to all your betting business needs. Within this platform, users can effortlessly join, either directly or through referrals, and place […]

vCity – Online Browser Game

Demo: Live Preview vCity is online browser game that is developed with the latest web technologies. vCity is multifunctional game script that will help you to create your own online browser game to your liking, because it has many options and settings by which to modify and create your desired browser game. It can be […]

PixieFreak | Esports gaming theme for teams & tournaments

PixieFreak is an ultimate solution for eSports teams, tournament organizators and all gaming enthusiasts. The theme is designed with a goal to provide multiple options, to allow a wide range of different capabilities. You can use the theme to setup your eSports team website, gaming clan, news portal or to host a tournament. If you’re […]

Tennis Club | Sports Theme

Modern Sports & Events Tennis WordPress Theme V 2.10 PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE BEFORE UPDATING YOUR THEME Tennis Club WordPress Theme is a stylish & fresh solution for contemporary tennis club (as well as other sports), personal trainer, sports centers, sports review magazine, tennisclub, sport school and sports store. Also, it is perfect for tennis […]

Arcane – The Gaming Community Theme

Are you tired of playing alone or in a team of two? Planning to create a planning to start gaming in a community? If yes, then Arcane is what you should be getting. From team wars to tournaments, this gaming theme has got everything to make your experience enjoyable. This community theme has premium plugins […]

PixieHuge | eSports Gaming Theme For Clans & Organizations

PixieHuge is a theme meant for eSports organizations / teams / gaming clans. The theme is built by the latest design standards in this industry, which brings the elite/premium feeling for the end user. This theme is based for a darker color scheme, which is genuinely more attractive for gamers, eSports fans. Same quality is […]

Oblivion – The Ultimate Multi-Purpose Gaming Theme

Oblivion – The ultimate gaming theme Oblivion is the ultimate gaming theme. Created using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 techniques, it allows you to create awesome review sites or portfolios for your games. Your WP gaming theme. Don’t just take our word for it: Main features: New: WooCommerce support! New: BuddyPress support! New: Parallax blocks! […]

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