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HotelPoint – Hotel Listing Directory

Overview HotelPoint is a responsive, user-friendly and easy hotel listing directory. An agent (user) can register here free, purchase a hotel listing package and add his hotel. Admin also can add his own hotel in this script and if wants can stop the other agents adding their listing. This CMS is developed using the popular […]

Hotel Management System Pro

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SkyHostel – SaaS Hostel Booking Platform

SkyHostel a SaaS platform revolutionizing the way you experience youth hostels worldwide. With seamless room and dorm bookings, multivendor options for hostel owners, and a vibrant community social networking feature, SkyHostel is designed to enhance your travel experience. Demo Access: Demo: https://preview.wstacks.com/skyhostel User: https://preview.wstacks.com/skyhostel/user/loginUsername: testuser | Password: 123456 Admin: https://preview.wstacks.com/skyhostel/adminUsername: admin | Password: admin Key […]

Travel Agency- Advanced Travel Agency with Booking Engine

Are you in search of a robust and versatile booking solution for your travel agency? Look no further! Our Travel Agency and Booking System, built on the powerful Laravel framework, is designed to cater to a wide range of booking needs, from travel and tours to resort rentals, car rentals, and more. Key Features: Multi-Purpose […]

Montage – Hotel Booking & Property Selling Solution

Montage is a complete hotel/resort booking and property selling solution for the web platform. It has all the services that you need to start your hotel booking and property selling business immediately. You can easily manage your hotel room’s categories, hotel rooms, amenities, and services. You can also enlist here the properties that you want […]

Atlas Business Directory Listing

Quick start guide for admin Please go through the “Installation and Update” guide carefully if you haven’t installed the application yet. Login as site administrator to organize your system. At first update your System Settings and Payment Settings from Settings option of the left sidebar menu. Also, make sure to provide a valid YouTube API […]

SeaPearl – Luxury Hotel & Resort Booking Script With Live Editor CMS

Demo Demo Link: https://seapearl-laravel.laralink.com Admin panel: https://seapearl-laravel.laralink.com/admin Documentation: https://doc.laralink.com/laravel/seapearl/ Installation Process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_92iR7vuZA Welcome to the future of Luxury Hotel & Resort Booking website with SeaPearl Laravel Script! Our cutting-edge Hotel & Resort Booking Laravel script is a powerhouse built with the latest technologies, including Laravel, React, and MySQL. Designed specifically for Hotel, Resort, Booking, Hostel, […]

Hotello WP Theme

Hotello WordPress Theme is a responsive Hotel Booking WordPress theme Hotello WordPress Theme is a responsive Hotel Booking WordPress theme targeted especially for hotel, chalet, resort, motel, hostel, bed and breakfast and apartment with all-in-one booking system within theme package. Hotello is powered by hotel booking management features such as seasonal pricing, booking management, taxes, […]

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