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Wokoya | Laravel CMS

Wokoya Laravel CMS Wokoya Laravel script built on Laravel Bootstrap5, jQuery. It’s a modern crafted Laravel script which can be used for Personal Portfolio or digital agency website. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included a documentation folder to describe the code structures. We have included best […]

ZaiwriteAI – Ai Content Writer & Copyright Generator tool With SAAS.

Introduction ZaiwriteAI is the best AI content-writing script. Using ZaiwriteAI you can easily get more than 70+ premade templates and write content in 30+ languages. ZaiwriteAI is an advanced AI writing tool that can help you create high-quality content quickly and easily. Whether you need to write an article, a report, a blog post, or […]

Zaialumni – Committee With Election Management Addon For Alumni Association.

Introduction The Zaialumni – Committee with Election Management Addon. simplifies the process of organizing committees and elections for alumni associations. Admins can efficiently manage committees and oversee elections by handling nominations. Candidates go through a straightforward application process, including payment submission, with swift approval from board members. On the frontend of the website, candidate profiles […]

Point of sale to WooCommerce add-on for SalePro POS & inventory management php script

SalePro WooCommerce add-on is an optional premium add-on for the SalePro POS & inventory management laravel php script. This add-on is installed in your SaleProPOS software as a module. It helps you with synchronizing simple products not variant, categories, stocks, orders & taxes between your WooCommerce store and SalePro application. What does it do Export […]

Zaigency – Services, Clients, Sales & Teams Management Laravel Script

Introduction Zaigency Zaigency, our Services, Clients, Sales & Teams Management Application, stands at the forefront of agency empowerment, offering a comprehensive solution for businesses aiming to optimize their operations. With a sleek and intuitive interface, Zaigency seamlessly integrates the management of quotations, services, clients, and teams into a unified platform, redefining efficiency and collaboration in […]

PizzaLab – Pizza Delivery Shop Platform

PizzaLab, is a professional Pizza Delivery Business Solution that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their Own Pizza Delivery Business website. globally, more than 5 Billion Pizzas are sold worldwide, and approximately 3 Billion are sold in the US each year, that’s 46 slices a year per person. […]

UltimatePOS to WooCommerce Addon (With SaaS compatible)

================= ======== New version 5.1 released June 20, 2024. Change Log Support of this items is included with the support of UltimatePOS Advance Open online WooCommerce shop in minutes & keep it in sync with your POS application.  No need to manually update products in multiple application (POS & Online Shop) No need to manually […]

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