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PHP Auto Linker – Advanced Keyword Linking

PHP Auto Linker is a PHP class that allows you to automatically apply links on a HTML document. This class is already in use in other products from our portfolio. In particular, it’s adopted to apply the automatic links in WordPress plugins with thousands of users, like Interlinks Manager. How the class applies the automatic links […]

Qopi – WhatsApp and Short Link Generator

What is this? Qopi is a script to create a ‘WhatsApp Click to Chat’ link generator, besides with this script you can also shorten the URL. Qopi is based on the popular PHP framework Laravel with version 5.5. So, the script is essentially to create a ‘WhatsApp Click to Chat’ link generator and shorten the […]

ShortLab – SAAS Based URL Shortener

ShortLab is a premium URL shortener solution built with PHP Laravel. It’s designed for those who aspire to launch their SaaS-based URL shortening website. With over 1.7 billion websites in existence, and this number constantly changing due to new launches and closures, the internet is undeniably vast. A staggering 4.5 billion people worldwide engage in […]

Link Seller Reloaded

With the help of Link Seller, you can start earning money with Stripe right now!System will help you to sell links/advertisements on your each web-sites.Simple installation Process, Plain Web Design, Advanced Admin Panel, Really Easy Installation Process and Advanced API… You don’t even need to know how to code! We do all that for you. […]

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