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HotelPoint – Hotel Listing Directory

Overview HotelPoint is a responsive, user-friendly and easy hotel listing directory. An agent (user) can register here free, purchase a hotel listing package and add his hotel. Admin also can add his own hotel in this script and if wants can stop the other agents adding their listing. This CMS is developed using the popular […]

RealsPoint – Real Estate Property Listing Platform

Overview RealsPoint is a responsive, user-friendly and easy property listing directory. An agent (user) can register here free, purchase a listing package and add his property for buy or sale. Admin also can add his own property in this script and if wants can stop the other agents adding their listing. This CMS is developed […]

RecipePoint – SaaS Multi Vendor Recipe Platform

Overview RecipePoint is a responsive and user-friendly recipe management system. In this system, users can easily open an account here, purchase a recipe package and add his/her recipe. Users can add free or pro recipe under a package. Admin can earn money in 2 ways. One is through recipe packages and another is getting commissions […]

Classify – Classified Ads PHP Script

Classify Php Classified Script is a fully automated tool for those who willing to get started online classified business. It’s an online platform that lets people search and post ads effortlessly. Categories range from sale items, jobs, pets, real estate, personals, services, vehicles and even for rent and communities. On one click, the user can […]

BloodLab – Blood Donation Platform

Looking for a complete Blood Donation & Donor Listing system for your Charity or business, then you are in the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your Blood Donor or Blood Bank Listing website. BloodLab may assist you to handle unlimited users, donors, Blood categories, ADS, featured […]

Gadgetza – Deals Listing Platform (SAAS)

Gadgetza is a powerful php script with a modern design, smart functions that will help you create an amazing local or global deals directory site. Gadgetza script works perfectly on mobile, tablet, and desktop, which can help you to create a professional website as deals and discounts listing. Our platform is highly customizable and super-easy […]

Zaiproty – Property Listing Addon.

Introduction Zaiproty – Property Listing Addon. A property listing addon is an able apparatus advised to enhance absolute acreage websites and applications. It enables users to calmly advertise accessible properties, complete with abundant information, high-quality images, and alternate features. This addon streamlines the property listing process, authoritative it easier for both absolute acreage agents and […]

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