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CrypLab – Crypto Marketplace Platform

CrypLab, a professional Crypto Marketplace system that comes with PHP laravel. It’s developed for those people who want to start their Multi-vendor Marketplace website. globally, Hundreds of Millions of People and Tens of Thousands of Businesses Using crypto. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology company TripleA estimates that there are now more than 300 million cryptocurrency users […]

BidLab – Online Bidding & Auction Platform

Bidlab is a complete solution for an Online Bid and Win (Auction) website. Bidlab is an online-based platform that helps people and businesses from across the globe to sell their items by setting up an auction. eBay is undoubtedly the largest auction site on the internet and prides itself as the biggest online shopping mall […]

Electron – Event Concert & Christmas New Year Conference Theme

Major Update Compatible With – Woocommerce Make your event the the centre of music and dance with Electron Event WordPress Theme made to unite people in celebration! Electron can serve to a diverse range of musical preferences-be it those who get elevated by listening the holy tunes of rock, or those who prefer to pamper […]

Kasino – Online Casino Platform

Kasino, a laravel made Online Gaming platform that enables a great opportunity to start your own Casino website. The casino is by far the most popular game and there were an estimated 2.8 billion gamers across the globe. According to the American Gaming Association (AGA), as of 2018, approximately 2,800 sites are active online and […]

BetLab – Sports Betting Platform

BetLab is a top-tier sports betting solution built on the robust PHP Laravel framework. Crafted with precision, it caters to aspiring entrepreneurs keen on launching their own betting websites. BetLab stands as a comprehensive answer to all your betting business needs. Within this platform, users can effortlessly join, either directly or through referrals, and place […]

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