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Towy – Emergency Auto Towing and Roadside Assistance Service WordPress theme

WordPress theme for roadside assistance, towing and auto repair – Towy, powerful solution for your business! Towy is a modern and responsive towing WordPress theme, designed for auto towing companies, car assistance, repair or car breakage services. Also theme includes the following demo-contents: Carwash spot, Auto Engines repair station, Locksmith master, Taxi services and Electro […]

Simple Map Locator

ABOUT Simple Map Locator has been developed entirely in php, html and jquery. It’s simple and intuitive: just use the backend to create as many maps and markers you want! Based on OpenStreetMap, no need api key and annoying quota limits! Ready to use!! BACKEND DEMO– Administrator Login (user: demo / passw: test1234) MAP DEMOView […]

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