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Invento v2 – Inventory system

Invento v2 is an inventory system created with CodeIgniter 4 (PHP), along with other technologies such as jQuery, Axios, Datatables, and more. With Invento v2, you’ll be able to manage your inventory in one or any number or warehouses you have. If you also have workers and supervisors, no problem! Invento v2 includes user roles. […]

Deals Management for ZiscorERP

Looking for unlimited downloads? Subscribe to Envato Elements. Millions of premium assets Great value subscription

HungryHub – On Demand Food Ordering Platform

Introducing HungryHub, the ultimate on-demand food ordering platform designed to cater to the specific needs of food lovers, restaurants, and delivery services. HungryHub helps you manage unlimited users, restaurant profiles, menu listings, automated payments, order tracking, delivery management, promotional offers, and more. Our platform accepts payments via traditional gateways and automated solutions. With our ready-to-go […]

UpLab – Digital Content Download Portal

UpLab is a professional digital content download portal designed with premium features to elevate your business. This comprehensive platform includes all the functionalities necessary to maintain a successful download website. UpLab supports a review system and offers both paid and free file options, allowing you to sell scripts, themes, templates, software, music, videos, photos, PDFs, […]

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