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IronBand – Music Band & DJ WordPress Theme

IronBand™ is the perfect WordPress theme for bands, musicians and DJs. Everything is in the details. The design is unique and comes with layered PSD. The theme includes all major features: Events & Gigs, HTML5 audio Player, YouTube Videos, News, Discography, Photos and Biography and even a Booking section. Everything’s there. Fans will be able […]

IronBand – Music Band & DJ WordPress Theme

IronBand™ is the perfect WordPress theme for bands, musicians and DJs. Everything is in the details. The design is unique and comes with layered PSD. The theme includes all major features: Events & Gigs, HTML5 audio Player, YouTube Videos, News, Discography, Photos and Biography and even a Booking section. Everything’s there. Fans will be able […]

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