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iProfile – Multiuser Profile & Resume Script (SASS)

iProfile a multiuser profile, resume and v-card script. This script is perfect to promote yourself and your business, as Paypal & Stripe Payment Gateway is already included in this script. You just have to integrate this script in your existing website or with a new domain and you will be able to run this portal […]

Resume & CV WordPress Theme

RScard – Material Design Resume/CV & Portfolio Retina-Ready WordPress Theme (Personal vCard) – A premium tool to promote yourself and your business! Tags multilingual, wpml, wordpress resume theme, cv theme, vcard theme, flat cv, profile, clean cv, online cv, modern, flexible, responsive resume, timeline, calendar, freelancer, developer, programmer, one page, professional, designer, work, job, experience, […]

iProfile – Multiuser Profile & Resume Script (SASS)

iProfile a multiuser profile, resume and v-card script. This script is perfect to promote yourself and your business, as Paypal & Stripe Payment Gateway is already included in this script. You just have to integrate this script in your existing website or with a new domain and you will be able to run this portal […]

Porichoy – Multitenancy Based Portfolio Builder Platform (SAAS)

Porichoy is a multitenancy-based portfolio platform customers can create portfolio websites within 5 minutes. This script support subdomain, custom domain also path based domain for portfolio URL. Anyone can build any kind of portfolio site using this script. Customers can create portfolio websites, online CV, VCard (Online Business Card), and QR Builders. We have integrated […]

Creative Resume & CV WordPress Theme

Certy is a new standard in online resumes and cv world. Clean and beautiful eye-catching material design will attract your future employer with the first impression. SEO Friendly, semantically correct and w3 valid code and innovative mobile first development will help you to boost your CV on the internet. Flexible and powerful admin panel and […]

Resume & CV WordPress Theme

RScard – Material Design Resume/CV & Portfolio Retina-Ready WordPress Theme (Personal vCard) – A premium tool to promote yourself and your business! Tags multilingual, wpml, wordpress resume theme, cv theme, vcard theme, flat cv, profile, clean cv, online cv, modern, flexible, responsive resume, timeline, calendar, freelancer, developer, programmer, one page, professional, designer, work, job, experience, […]

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