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Doctorly – Hospital & Clinic Management Laravel System

Doctorly is a super web app for the Doctors, Trust and Hospitals to maintain all doctors, patients and receptionists of the hospital or clinic. It is a complete solution for hospitals or clinics to manage appointments, prescriptions and invoices online. This system is completely built on the PHP Laravel framework and MySQL. It has a […]

Doctorss – Doctor Appointment and Prescription System with Website

Doctorss is an online Doctor Appointment and Scheduler application software for getting an appointment very easily over the internet. This application software is built upon PHP with Codeigniter Framework. The doctor can Create online Prescription and patient can take doctor schedule from anywhere in the world. Login info: Login URL : https://doctorssnew.bdtask.com/login Website URL : […]

Doctorino – Doctor Practice Management System Laravel

Demo URL: https://demo.getdoctorino.com To login as Doctor (Admin) :E-mail : [email protected] : doctorino To login as Receptionnist :E-mail : [email protected] : doctorino To login as Patient :E-mail : [email protected] : doctorino OVERVIEW : Doctorino presents an agile patient management solution, providing comprehensive support for healthcare professionals. It empowers doctors to efficiently oversee patient appointments, maintain […]

Doctorly – Hospital & Clinic Management Laravel System

Doctorly is a super web app for the Doctors, Trust and Hospitals to maintain all doctors, patients and receptionists of the hospital or clinic. It is a complete solution for hospitals or clinics to manage appointments, prescriptions and invoices online. This system is completely built on the PHP Laravel framework and MySQL. It has a […]

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