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ClickBucks – Pay Per View Platform

ClickBucks is a pay-per-view platform built with the Laravel framework. It caters to both advertisers and viewers: advertisers can create ads to reach an audience, while viewers earn money by watching those ads. ClickBucks offers flexibility with over 10 payment gateways to ensure smooth transactions. Demo Access: Demo: https://preview.wstacks.com/clickbucks Advertiser: https://preview.wstacks.com/clickbucks/advertiser/loginUsername: advertiser | Password: 123456 […]

PTC Pro – Complete PPC Advertising Platform for Business

PTC Pro is a feature-packed Pay Per Click (PPC) platform that offers everything businesses need to manage their advertising campaigns and generate more traffic, leads, and sales. With 37 automated payment gateways, including popular options like PayPal, Paytm, and Stripe, PTCPro makes it easy for businesses to manage their advertising budget and receive payments from […]

Solid PTC – Advanced Pay Per Click Platform

SolidPTC – is a Pay Per Click solution that is mainly used for building a business website that can offer advertising campaigns, and sales and generate traffic on the websites. It is an easy and reliable PTC Script where all the necessary features are available. In the system, visitors can register as a user to […]

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