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Call Log 1.2.0 module for Perfex CRM

Want to make and receive calls in Perfex CRM using Twilio? What to send Single and Bulk SMS? Now your can with the most compelling must have module for any sales team or business using Perfex cRM. Are you still logging your customer calls on spreadsheets?  One of the fundamental of building relationships with customers […]

Deals Management for Perfex CRM

Note: This is a module for Perfex CRM . This is Not a standalone script.  Get an overview of deals in a week, month, and deals in the last 30 days. Assign Tasks, Products, Files, and Users for each deal. Manage discussions and notes. Also, get a calendar view for every deal detail. In short, […]

QRPlus – QR Capabilities For Perfex CRM

Other Perfex Modules NOTE: This is not a standalone module, the module requires Perfex CRM application installed, this is a module for Perfex CRM. NOTE: Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for a complimentary module consultation and to discuss your ideas. We look forward to assisting you. QRPlus is an advanced module specifically […]

Thawani Payment Gateway Module for Perfex CRM

NOTE: This is not a standalone payment gateway module for Thawani, the module requires Perfex CRM application installed which can be purchased here Overview of Thawani Module Thawani payment gateway for Perfex CRM will allow your customers to pay invoices using Thawani cards that Thawani provides. Thawani provides a quick and secure way of accepting […]

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